Page 71 of Wise
I shove my feet back into the hated heels because I can’t return to the club barefoot. “There’s a pizzeria down the street. It’s open until midnight. Knock yourself out.”
He stands. “On my way. What’s your favorite topping?”
Standing at the door with my hand on the knob, I pause to take stock of the man who isn’t at all easy to sort into a box.
I can’t say that I was shocked to find Conner hanging out at the bar earlier.
I also can’t deny that the sight of him was an electric thrill too similar to the pleasure of sitting in his lap at a high school party a million years ago.
The surprising part is that I’d much rather stay in this room with him than return to the corrupt chaos of the club.
“Just cheese. I’m easy.” My cheeks flame with the double meaning of the last sentence.
He picks up on it, holding my eye. “I’ll keep that in mind, Haven.”
The way he says my name hits with the force of a thunderclap. My thighs clench and my heart races.
But I leave without a word and walk quickly down the corridor before I’m tempted to lock the door and hurl my body against his.
The crowd is moderate for a weeknight but judging by the empty glasses being cleared away, the drinks are flowing. Andrei has returned from his mission and keeps watch alongside Kyle, a stern former Marine who barely speaks. When Andrei sees me he nods his head once, a signal his task was carried out without a hitch. I expected no less.
Fiona is behind the bar speaking to Bruce when we lock eyes and she immediately comes sashaying over to drape a teasing arm around my waist. “That was some kind of longmeeting, sweetie. You should thank me for keeping the vultures away from your door.”
Before I can open my mouth to spit back a sarcastic answer, Conner comes ambling into view. He doesn’t even glance at the skin show up on the stage and searches for me instead. As our eyes meet he flashes a delighted grin that takes a blowtorch to another layer of ice surrounding my heart.
I still haven’t regained my composure when he casually strolls across the room, tips my chin up with a thick forefinger and drops a kiss on my forehead. “Be right back, beautiful.”
Fiona chuckles in my ear. I swivel my head to stare at Conner’s hot ass because I’m only human. He high fives Andrei on the way out the door and the only shock is that Andrei indulges him with a grin. I didn’t know Andrei had smile muscles.
Fiona continues to bump my shoulder and cackle, having so much fun she’s ready to fall over. With a grunt of annoyance, I steer her in the direction of my office so we can chat in private.
When I close the door and ask about Veronica, her mood changes. She’s quick to offer reassurance that the girl is safe, staying with a couple of women who used to be MMA fighters. Fiona swears she’d trust them with her own life, which is as good of an endorsement as they come.
Veronica had mentioned she grew up in Santa Fe and still has friends there. The city is far away enough to get her out of my cousins’ range.
Tomorrow I can make a few calls, procure some new documents and find her a place to live. I’ll even pay her tuition so she can finish cosmetology school. For tonight she’s safely tucked away with people who will protect her.
Now that serious business is out of the way, Fiona goes back to smirking. “Dish the dirt.”
“There’s no dirt.” But I mumble and look away.
“HA!” She almost screams in triumph. “Take a bow, darling. Em City’s biggest catch is virtually on his knees. The boy is besotted with you.”
I drift to my desk and shuffle invoices that don’t need to be shuffled. “No way.”
Usually I’m far better at slinging comebacks.
Maybe I’m still sleepy.
Or maybe I’m distracted by the lingering sensation of Conner’s lips on my forehead. Such a simple gesture and yet such an open claim of possession.
Fiona’s green eyes dance. “Not in the mood to gossip, are we? Fine, I’ll take a hint.” She swaggers to the door in platform heels that she probably picked up at one of the vintage thrift stores she stalks. “I’ll wait to read about it.”
“What are you talking about?”
From the look she throws over her shoulder you’d think I just asked her how to spell the word ‘dog’.
“Babe, he’s Conner Wiseman. Half the nation faints when he flexes his right arm. How long do you think it’ll be before the news breaks that he’s taken?”