Page 9 of Wise
Matilda throws back her head with a laugh. “Says the woman who shows up dressed in a funeral shroud.”
Watching the two of them spar like mean schoolgirls is a reminder that there’s a missing ingredient. My mother, for all her faults, used to be something of a buffer between her two abrasive older sisters.
But that was before she killed some people, shot me with a pink pistol and then took a swan dive from the balcony of a downtown high rise.
This unwanted thought comes with a flood of rotten feelings.
Thoughts about my mother usually do.
Before my insane aunts notice I’m in the area and call me over to mediate their catfight, I duck into a restroom.
After washing my hands, I check the time. There’s still an hour to kill before the ceremony starts. Maybe I ought to track down the groom and make sure there aren’t any last minute wedding chores that need to be dealt with. However, the instant I open the bathroom door I’m immediately tackled by my ten-year-old cousin.
“Thank god.” Charlotte doesn’t bother to explain before pushing me down the hall.
“Whoa, are we being chased?”
She ignores the question and successfully shoves me into a room full of stacked white chairs.
Charlotte looks around as if she’s worried about being overheard by spies, perhaps lurking in the chair towers. “Conner.”
“I need you to do something for me.”
“Is it illegal?”
She rolls her eyes. “No. We just have to switch places.”
“Okay, but I’m not sure I’ll make a very pretty bridesmaid.”
“Not that. I need to walk down the aisle with Elijah instead of you.”
Elijah is Micah’s old boss from his MMA fighting days and he runs a gym on the east side. The guy is super likeable. He manages to be hilarious while keeping that stern old school, no nonsense energy. Elijah’s been a friend and father figure to Micah since his teens so it makes sense that he would be included in the wedding party.
When I hesitate, Charlotte rushes to explain. “Elijah needs to walk slowly because of his cane.”
“Yeah, but he’s getting the job done. Besides, I thought we were partners in crime.”
She grins. “We still are. Which is why you should help me keep Elijah safe from that Haven person.”
The reminder that Tess chose Haven Marchenko as one of her bridesmaids is not a pleasant one. I haven’t been required to interact with her yet, which is nice because Haven is about as approachable as a raccoon with rabies.
“Do you really think you need to protect Elijah from Haven?”
Charlotte lifts her chin, eyes narrowed. “Yes. She’s one hell of a scary bitch.”
“Charlotte.” I fail at sounding stern and start cracking up.
“Well, she is. Even Mother says so and Mother really dislikes using words like that because she says profanity is tacky so it must be true.”
“In that case, maybe I also need to be protected from Haven.”
She shakes her head with impatience. “You can make anyone like you, Conner.”
It’s cute the way she overestimates me.
And it’s clear no one has enlightened Charlotte on my ancient history with Haven.