Page 91 of Wise
Talon smiles. Always a warning of danger on the horizon. “I doubt the boss will feel the same way.”
“Let’s call him right now. Get patched through to the warden’s office and demand to speak to my father. Say it’s a family emergency. You are aware he has special communication privileges. So go ahead. Put the call on speaker. I’ll be sure to mention how your hired brute felt me up at the door and then you started tossing around threats as if you own the east side. I promise my father won’t be amused.”
Jared jumps in and makes a teeth-sucking sound. “Seems you’ve been so busy stuffing your mouth full of some football player’s cock that you stopped paying attention to anything important.”
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”
He shifts in his chair, taking his time. “Three days ago your dad was caught with contraband in his cell. Pain pills and some forbidden electronic devices. The new assistant warden is some kind of moral crusader and was about to go public with a story about the prison’s lax security for high profile inmates like Aric Marchenko. So your dad got sent to solitary confinement for thirty days. No phone calls. No visitors.” He shrugs his bulky shoulders. “Tough luck for you.”
The news isn’t great. And I’m a little rattled to hear that this development slipped past my radar.
“Then let’s give Uncle Estes a call. He’s been out of the loop overseas. I’m sure he has an opinion.”
Jared sighs. “Well, it looks like his opinion has fallen off a luxury yacht near the Sicilian coast.”
“What the hell kind of a riddle is that?”
“No riddle. When was the last time you heard from dear Uncle Estes?”
When I think back on recent weeks, all that comes to mind is Conner. I haven’t been paying attention to much else. “If you have something to say then say it.”
The sudden chill in my blood has nothing to do with the air conditioning and everything to do with the pompous unconcealed smirk on my cousin’s face.
“Seems Estes decided to stick his dick in the wife of acapofor the Donatelli family. Now there’s been an accident. His body won’t be coming back, likely because it’s been accessorized with cement boots and thrown into the Mediterranean, but his host was kind enough to send this.” Jared reaches into his pocket and tosses a silver object on the table. It’s the same type of insignia ring worn by my uncles and my cousins. I know this one belongs to Estes because his was the only one modified with a fat emerald in the middle.
The truth of the situation starts to sink in.
My father is in prison. My uncle is likely dead. And my remaining uncle won’t stand in the way of his sons’ sick plans, whatever they are.
For now I’m on my own.
Talon picks up the ring and examines it. “Estes was careless.” His eyes lift and bore into mine. “It’s becoming a family epidemic.”
I scowl, although my blood pressure continues to rise. “Conner isn’t exactly the wife of a mafia boss.”
Talon doesn’t blink. “He’s a liability. End it. Or we will.”
The threat is obvious.
Blood roars in my ears and I literally see red.
Then a whisper of common sense intrudes.
My cousins are evil. But they aren’t insane.
I look at each of them in turn, intentionally dragging out the moment before I respond.
“You wouldn’t dare touch him.”
Talon blinks, exchanges a look with his brother. Clearly, they expected me to fold immediately. “Is that a fact?”
“It is.” My voice grows stronger with certainty. “You’re not a fan of publicity. There would be few crimes more public than harming the city’s beloved quarterback. No matter how far you run you couldn’t escape the fallout. And if you try, I’ll make sure the consequences find you.”
“Brave words. And pathetic, your eagerness to be his human shield.”
“Hardly. Conner doesn’t need my protection.”
“Interesting. Does Robert?”