Page 93 of Wise
But I’ll be damned if I dignify his comment with a response.
No matter. Talon isn’t really waiting for one. He’s ready with some more cruelty. “I happen to know there are some real cheap options for patients like Lita. The ones who don’t even know they’re alive anymore and so they don’t care where you put them. But I’m sure she’d get excellent care. A pretty girl like her. Yeah,someoneis bound to pay her some extra attention.”
The insinuation is hideous.
In desperation, I wish for the power to make his head explode like a water balloon.
Since that doesn’t happen, I settle for sweeping his phone to the floor and crushing the screen with my heel.
Because I can. Because FUCK HIS SADISTIC ASS.
Somehow Talon didn’t see that coming. Fury contorts his face and he lunges. “You goddamn bitch.”
But Jared gets in his way. “Enough for now.” He grabs hold of his brother’s shirt. “This is still a family and she’s one of us.”
Talon jerks free of his brother’s grip and seethes from across the table.
“Meeting adjourned,” Jared announces as if he’s being generous. “It’s the weekend so we can keep things short and sweet. I think we’re all on the same page now.”
I can’t even speak. I’m reeling. I’m raging.
I want to watch them both writhe on the floor, beg for help and choke on their own blood.
But I’m all alone.
With no chance to challenge them and succeed.
If I don’t exit this room right now I’m bound to do something that will only jeopardize the people I love.
Straightening my back and standing tall, I deliver a penetrating glare that doesn’t do nearly enough to convey my infinite hatred.
“I willneverbe one of you.”
I hold my breath as I turn around, half expecting to feel a bullet in my back.
But no attack comes when I exit the room, nor on the short route to the front door, where the asshole who patted me down is waiting with my purse in his hand. I snatch it and shove him aside, sprinting to my car and peeling out of the parking lot.
Once I’m off Essex Street and sure that no one is following, the full miserable impact of this new betrayal hits me.
Somehow I have to get to my father. Until I can manage that, I’m stuck playing along. This is my cousins’ game. Their rules apply.
I want Conner. Right now there’s nothing I crave more than the comfort of his arms. I want to cry out my anger and my fear and know that I’m not fighting alone.
Conner would be absolutely outraged, fiercely protective. He’d insist on getting involved. It’s not hard to imagine him confronting my cousins directly, putting himself in harm’s way to defend me.
A flashback of Talon’s evil grin is all it takes to fuel blind wrath that nearly melts the steering wheel in my grip. Another driver honks when I spin a sharp right into a liquor store parking lot. The tires screech as I brake hard only a few feet from some guy smoking a crack pipe. He spares me a disinterested glance and returns to his hobby while my mind races and my forehead rests on the curve of the steering wheel.
Those bastards who share my last name may or may not be bluffing as they try to crown themselves as the kings of the east side.
But any war I fight with Jared and Talon would mean endangering Lita. And Robert.
And Conner.
Then there’s the rest of them to think about.
Wherever Conner goes, no matter how hellish, I have no doubt his two cousins will follow. Micah and Gage can’t be stopped from standing by his side, come what may.