Page 101 of Code Name: Ares
“I don’t understand. There were only maybe two hundred at the compound.” My eyes opened wide. “Did you say ‘subsequent’ raid?”
“Gunner and Razor, with the help of Tank and Blackjack, convinced two of the four drivers to give us the coordinates of where they were delivering the containers,” said Doc. “Nem immediately mobilized her crew as well as some of the others and pulled a Trojan Horse.”
“A what?”
“You know, when the Greeks entered the city of Troy—”
“I know what a Trojan Horse is, Zep.”
“But, you—”
I held up my hand. “Go on, Ambassador.”
“I think I’d rather let Nem explain.” He motioned to her.
“As Baissier said, we mobilize everyone available and loaded into the four containers.”
“Guess where we went from there?” said Cayman.
Gunner chuckled. “Taking out border agents in our wake. And by taking out, I mean had them arrested,” he added when Marchand cleared his throat.
“Not just border agents, but the entire operation in Edirne. They never saw us coming,” said Nem. “One hundred and twenty-four arrests in Turkey alone.”
“One hundred and twenty-four,” I said under my breath. Nem’s eyes met mine, and she nodded.
“Plus the eleven at the warehouse,” said Cayman.
“Actually, there were twenty more in Lesovo that we got after you all pulled out,” said Atticus. “In addition to the other ten deceased.”
“More importantly, we rescued sixteen hundred people. People who…” Nem shook her head, and her eyes filled with tears. I didn’t care who saw; I reached over and took her hand.
“I’m proud of you,” I whispered when she leaned into me.
“We all are,” said Wren, who I’d forgotten was watching via video with Z and Wilder. When I looked over at the computer screen, Grace and Mayhem were standing in the background too.
“Two major trafficking operations have been disabled as a result of the work of the coalition,” said Baissier. “We should all be very proud.”
“And tired,” said Merrigan.
“And hungry,” added Doc.
“We’ll reconvene in the morning,” said the ambassador, who then looked at his phone. “Or perhaps in the afternoon since it is already morning.”
“I don’t suppose it’s possible to get anything to eat,” Nem said when we left Baissier’s suite.
“I think they have twenty-four-hour room service,” said Merrigan when she and Doc passed on the way to their suite. They stopped a couple of feet away, turned around, and retraced their steps. “By the way, we’ll be leaving in the morning, prior to your meeting,” said Merrigan, taking Nem’s hands in hers. “We will be in touch, however. And, like Ares said, we’re very proud of you, Nem.”
“Thank you, but I didn’t do it alone.”
“Say all the great leaders.” Doc leaned in and kissed her cheek. “Safe travels, you two.”
“Thanks for everything,” I said as they walked away.
“You’re very fortunate to work with them,” said Nem while we waited for the elevator.
“I sure am.” The door opened, and we stepped inside.