Page 12 of Code Name: Ares
She leaned in closer. “I talked to Z earlier. He told me you didn’t believe Kennedy King was real.”
“I’m guessing you prefer it that way.”
“Damn straight.” She raised her glass and toasted Nem and me after I’d handed her the other bourbon.
“I don’t know about the rest of you, but I haven’t eaten since this morning,” I said, motioning when a table big enough for all of us to be seated opened up.
“They have fabulous curry,” Wren mentioned. “It’s Nem’s favorite.”
“Which one?” I asked, holding out her chair, then taking the seat beside her.
“I prefer the roasted cauliflower and spinach.”
“With chips or rice?”
“I was thinking of the same thing, along with an order of either chicken curry or beef madras. Would you recommend one over the other?”
“Sorry. Vegetarian.”
“Z tells me you’re considering a remote workplace. Is that right?” Wren asked.
“It is, and I believe we found one.” I nodded in Cayman’s direction.
“The place in Shere,” he told her.
“What are you talking about?” Nem asked.
I explained what I’d told Z about my team and me working at a remote location on my last investigation.
“And you’ve made the decision to move this one to Shere? Without consulting me?” Before I could respond, she pushed her chair back and left the table.
My eyes met Wren’s. “Just so you know, we haven’t decided yet. We’re still in the discussion phase.”
She raised both hands. “It isn’t me you need to inform,War God. It’s her.” She winked.
It had taken an hour for me to calm down once I arrived at the flat this morning, and even then, every time I thought about Ares, my ire rose again.
When I ran what had occurred earlier past Wren, her suggestion was to go to Pinch, my boss at MI5, if it was really as bad as I said.
“And do what?” I’d asked. “Tell him I want to be reassigned? Leave the coalition?”
“No one would agree to that,” she’d responded. “Get rid of the war god instead.”
Now, it appeared the man intended to run roughshod over me, making a unilateral decision that would result in a three-hour daily commute for me. Who in the bloody hell did he think he was?
I used the loo and splashed cold water on my face after washing my hands, thankful we hadn’t ordered yet. I’d suggest to Wren we finish our drinks and proceed with our original plan to dine down the street.
I exited the lavatory, fists clenched at my sides, and came face-to-face with the man himself.
“Hang on a minute,” he said when I brushed past him. “Let’s talk about this.”
“We’ll discuss it tomorrow at theoffice. Wren and I are leaving.”