Page 17 of Code Name: Ares
“Coupled with the chief medical examiner’s report, it becomes easier to fathom,” said Cayman, reading something on his computer screen. “He estimates the majority of victims died between forty-six and forty-eight hours prior to our discovery.”
Typically, it took three to five days, sometimes longer, for a dead body to smell. “Nem said the stench made you gag.”
Cayman nodded. “If the route is even partially accurate, the heat levels in the container would’ve sped up decomposition.”
“What about the bobtails?”
“Pardon?” Puck asked.
“The semis? Tractors? They arrived at the port without loads, correct?”
I turned to Cayman. “Has the ME commented on where he believes the victims were from?”
“Reports indicate those in one container were Syrian, Iraqi, and Afghani migrants. In the other, Eastern European.”
Nothing I’d heard from either man this morning made sense.
“Jordan said she thought the drivers were speaking Macedonian.”
Puck raised a brow.
“Has their nationality been confirmed?”
“Negative. No ID, no mobiles either.”
“Are either talking?”
“According to the translator, only to say they had no idea what they were transporting until, like me, the stench overwhelmed them,” Cayman responded.
“What about the industrial complex? Was it a random stop?”
“So they say.”
“Any export/import declarations, bills of lading, sea waybills?”
“Requests for evidence have been filed.”
I checked the time on my phone. “When is Officer Jordan due to return?”
“No idea,” said Cayman. “You could check with Z’s secretary. She might know.”
I shook my head. “I’ll be in the conference room, if anyone needs me. Forward whatever reports you’ve received or compiled.”
“Roger that,” they both said as I walked out.
I’d just reached the conference room door when Nem and Z got off the elevator and her eyes briefly met mine.
“Good morning,” I said, walking over to them.
“Ares, good to see you,” said Z when she mouthed a brief hello.
I wasn’t one to beat around the bush, but I decided to tread slightly lighter today. “Anything I need to know?”