Page 20 of Code Name: Ares
I rubbed my stomach. “Maybe I should order two.” That got me another eye roll. I wouldn’t tell her I preferred the nostril flare, or she’d never do it in front of me again. “What are you having?”
“Orange juice and abroa de mel.”
I didn’t see anything on the menu resembling what she’d said. “What’s that?” I asked again.
“You’ll see.”
“So, what happened in your meeting?” I asked after we’d placed our order. Actually, Nem did since I couldn’t pronounce any of it correctly. Except orange juice, which was for her anyway.
“I told you it had nothing to do with your coalition.”
I raised a brow. “Mycoalition?”
“You know what I meant. Nothing to do withyou.”
“I don’t believe you.” My cock stirred when my response garnered the very reaction I’d been hoping for.
“I don’t care.” She took a sip of her juice when the waiter delivered it to the table. “God, it’s so good. You can’t get fresh-squeezed like this anywhere else in the city.”
Between her groan and her use of the word “squeezed,” I nearly moaned as well.
“Are you all right?” she asked when I fidgeted in my chair.
“Yeah, fine. What makes it so good?”
I was stunned when she held her glass out to me. “Go ahead. Try it.”
My fingers brushed hers and our eyes met when I reached for the glass and took a sip. “Damn. Thatisgood. Crack OJ.”
Her eyes scrunched.
“You know, so good it’s like crack.” Before she could respond, someone coming through the front door caught my eye. What the fuck was Iris doing here?
“Nem? Wow. Fancy running into you here,” she said, approaching our table.
“Hello, Iris.” Nem waved her hand in my direction. “I’m sure you remember Ares.”
The woman pulled a chair out and sat down. “Of course I do. It hasn’t been that long since last night.” She leaned close and put her hand on my arm, which I quickly—and awkwardly—moved out of her reach.
This time when Nem folded her arms and flared her nostrils, it didn’t seem quite as sexy. She pulled out her phone, swiped the screen, and muttered, “Bugger.”
I wished I could tell Iris tobuggeroff.
“I’ve got to go.” Nem stood. “You stay and enjoy your breakfast, though.”
“Wait. Let me get the check, and I’ll go with you.” By the time I finished my sentence, it was too late. She was already out the door. “Dammit,” I seethed, tossing a few bills on the table, rushing out after her, and ignoring Iris calling my name.
Once outside, I didn’t see Nem on either side of the street, but I took off in a run anyway. It occurred to me I might be making an ass of myself by reacting the way I was. However, I wasn’t about to let her believe I’d hooked up with Iris after I left her flat last night.
I was partway down the block when I caught a glimpse of her getting into a car. I couldn’t tell from where I stood whether it was a car service or a private vehicle. Rather than hail a taxi myself, I kept running, figuring I wouldn’t be that far behind her once I reached Vauxhall Cross.
“Where to, miss?”
I hadn’t thought that far ahead when, after seeing Ares headed my way, I rushed over and opened the door of the black cab with the “taxi” light on.