Page 28 of Code Name: Ares
“They’re Portuguese.”
“I’m not following.”
“Portugal ranks highest in alcohol consumption in the EU.”
“Iheard you were looking for me,” I said when I met Z on his way into his office. He was studying something on his mobile and raised his head.
“I don’t believe I was.”
“Sorry. Ares told me...”
“Not him. Me,” said Wren, who’d walked up behind me.
“Ah, yes,” muttered Z. “Come in.”
I motioned for Wren to go before me. Once we were both inside, Z closed the door and we took a seat.
“Wren made a suggestion regarding an addition to your team, and I’m in favor of it.”
I turned to her, almost giddy with excitement. “You?”
She nodded. “As a consultant for now.”
“Shall I make it official?” Z asked.
“Absolutely. Before she changes her mind,” I said, smiling.
When Wren stood, I did the same.
“What about working from Shere?” I asked once we’d stepped into the corridor. “Doesn’t Wilder have work in London?”
She bit her lip. “He may be assisting as well.”
“God, the two of you? I’ll hardly be needed.” I winked.
Wren laughed. “You are so unaware of your brilliance, Nem. Your humility is equally admirable and annoying.”
“The same could be said for you.” I nudged her with my elbow.
We approached another office, and she opened the door.
“Hello, Nem,” said Wilder. “Catch me up?”
After doing a quick review of Operation Purfleet and promising to send the full brief, I mentioned the idea of a remote workplace to him as I had to Wren.
“Shere? In Surrey?” He appeared as aghast as I was initially.
“The idea would be to remain on the property.”
“Well, that makes a bloody lot more sense than commuting, doesn’t it? Have you seen this farmland estate?”
“I have, and it’s quite nice. There is a main residence, along with several cottages on the property.”