Page 37 of Code Name: Ares
“Go on, I’ll not attempt to pull it out of you. If there’s something troubling you, spit it out.”
“You said you’ve only been here one time.”
“That’s right.”
“You said it was for a house party. You said nothing about spending the night here.”
I was stunned to the point of being speechless. “That’s…that’s…”
“Come on, Nem.Spit it out.”
How lovely of him to throw my words back at me. “That is none of your bloody business,” I seethed through gritted teeth.
“It is if one of the COs in this coalition isn’t being truthful.”
Had my hands not been clenched at my sides, I would’ve slapped him. “How dare you!”
“Just beinghonest, Nemesis.”
I felt as though I was a child being scolded by a parent with his use of my full code name as opposed to the shortened version everyone else used. While I could think of several retorts, none were in complete sentences. Rather than stumbling through something I wasn’t certain I wanted—or needed—to say, I turned on my heel and stomped into the house. Once there, I picked up the bags I’d left on the dining table, shoved my handbag inside my crate of files, and returned to my car.
“What are you doing?” he asked, stalking toward me with wide eyes as I tossed my bags into the backseat along with the crate.
“I’m leaving.”
He stepped close enough that I could see the light and dark blue variations in his irises, which looked almost like shards of glass. I breathed in, unable to stop myself from inhaling his scent. Each time, it undid me.
“Why?” he asked.
“I never agreed to stay here tonight. I’m returning to London.”
“That wasn’t your intent earlier.”
“You’ve no idea of my intent.”
“Come down to the stables. Go for a ride with me.”
I leaned against my car, once again nearly too stunned to speak. “The muscles in my neck are already sore from trying to keep up with your mood swings.”
“If you agree to go for a ride with me, I’ll explain.”
“Explain without the ride.”
He looked up at the house. “No.”
I shut the rear passenger door and returned inside.
“We’ll talk tomorrow, Ares. I’ve work to do tonight, and it’s obvious I won’t be getting it done here.”
When I went into the bedroom to get my cases, he followed.
“Don’t leave.”
“Stop this. You’re behaving like a”—I almost said jealous boyfriend—“petulant child.”