Page 49 of Code Name: Ares
I reluctantly stood and faced him.
“See, you’ve already got the first part down. Now, raise your left arm a little.” He reached behind me and rested his hand on the middle of my left shoulder blade. “Now, put your hand on my arm. On my bicep.”
There were all sorts of reasons Ares and I should not be doing this, the least of which was how terrible I was at it. It was all I could do not to grip his arm, sink my fingers into his muscle, and squeeze.
“You still with me?”
“Sorry, what?” I realized he had his left hand in the air.
“Take my hand, then just follow my lead.”
“Oh, drat, the song is over.”
“Wanna bet?” he joked right when it began playing again. “I put it on repeat. Okay, Nem, don’t think. Just dance.”
While I’d fantasized about being in Ares’ arms, I certainly never imagined I would actually be or that he’d be teaching me to two-step.
“See? You’re doing great.”
As soon as he said it, my foot landed on his.
“It’s okay. Just keep following me.” When he picked up our pace, took his arm from around my back, and twirled me around with his other hand, I started to laugh. Giggle, really. I kept giggling through another repeat of the song as Ares danced me around the kitchen.
He finally stopped but didn’t let go of my hand. Instead, he squeezed it. “Thanks for the dance, Nem. You’re a lot better at it than you let on.”
I shook my head. “You’re the one who’s good at it. I just followed.”
He dropped my hand, went around the island, turned the music off, and looked down at the food still sitting on the counter. “I don’t suppose there’s any fast-food restaurants in Shere, ones that serve vegetarian food?”
“No, but there’s the Duck.”
He cocked his head.
“You’ll see.”
After driving through the gate,I made two right turns and pulled up to what looked like a house.
“Where are we?”
“It’s called the Dabbling Duck.”
“Are you sure it’s open?”
“Positive. Come on.” I led him through the gate and up to the door. “I’ll warn you ahead of time; I’m cheating tonight.”
He raised a brow.
“The Duck has the best burgers in the universe. I can’t come here and not have one.”
“When’s the last time you were here?”
“Maybe ten years ago.”
“That’s the last time you ate meat?” he asked.
“That’s right.”
“Wow. I feel like we should celebrate somehow.”