Page 51 of Code Name: Ares
“I know the name well. The fucker was one of the traffickers I targeted in Texas, but I didn’t get him.”
“Let’s get him this time,” said Doc. “Briefs are in your inboxes. Ares, let me know when you’re ready to move out. There’s a plane waiting at Heathrow. By the way, it isn’t one of ours. It belongs to our friends at IISG.”
Ares nodded. “Roger that, sir.”
I was familiar with IISG. The acronym stood for the Invincible Intelligence and Security Group, founded by Cortez “Rile” DeLéon, former MI6 agent and nephew of King Ferdinand of Spain. He also had some connection to the royal family in England. However, I couldn’t recall exactly what.
“Zep and Magnet, the two of you will stay in Shere for now. Cayman, Puck, Kodiak, and I will head to Yavaros. We’ll have backup waiting when we arrive,” Ares said once the call ended. “Grab your gear and meet back here in fifteen.” The three men traveling with him left the room.
“What can I do?” I asked.
“Come here.” Ares led me around the corner and into the bedroom. He closed the door and pressed me up against it with his body. “Don’t say anything.”
My eyes met his, but I didn’t speak.
“I know this is all kinds of wrong, but it’s drummed into our heads that we need to trust our gut.”
I nodded.
“My gut is telling me I can’t leave for Mexico without doing this.”
He lowered his lips to mine and kissed me like no man ever had before. It began gently, soft and sweet. His tongue pressed against my lips, and I opened them. Then it changed. Ares angled his head, deepening the joining of our mouths, then plastered his rock-hard body against mine. I sighed into him, resting one hand on his bicep, like when we danced. This time, though, I squeezed.
He pulled back. “Nem?”
“You need to go.”
He nodded. “I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
I nodded too. “I know.”
There wasa strange quiet in the house in the days following the departure of the four men heading to Mexico, even with eight of us still here.
“It only makes sense that one container would’ve come from Bulgaria, or even farther north, say Belarus, and the other from the Eastern Mediterranean,” said Wren.
“Agreed. Let’s put Zeppelin and Magnet on Bulgaria. Tank, can you work the Syrian and Iraqi angle? Also see if any of you can track Mitskovski in Turkey.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he responded. “Best bet is to start with facial recognition, unless we can triangulate his cell usage,” said Tank. “Either way, we only need a single pinpoint to track from.”
“What about us?” Blackjack asked, pointing to Atticus.
“It’s time to dig deeper with the two drivers. I understand you’re an interrogation specialist?”
“I am. Atticus and I usually go in as a team.”
“Are we going to Legoland?” Atticus asked, rubbing his hands together.
I chuckled at the nickname given to the imposing headquarters of SIS. I looked over at Wren. “I’d like you and Wilder there as well.”
“Of course. How do you want to do this?”
“Magnet and Atticus can ride with me.”
“Roger that, Nem. We’ll meet you,” said Wilder.
“I’ve asked they be transported to headquarters for today’s questioning.” I glanced over my shoulder as I walked away and smiled at Atticus’ grin.
“How long havethe two men been awaiting charges?” he asked from the backseat once we were on the road.