Page 63 of Code Name: Ares
“I think maybe I do.”
“She’s having lunch with Wren,” said Merrigan, walking over to where we sat. “We could ask them to come here when they’re finished.”
“Should I…”
Merrigan shook her head. “I’ll handle it.”
I watched her walk into the suite’s other room.
“We should get started. Once Gunner gets wind of the Tanzinople getting close, we’ll need to move out. Let’s get our plans in place.”
“Roger that,” I said, hoping Merrigan really did have food on the way.
“I spoke with Wren. They’ll be on their way here when they’re done,” said Merrigan. “The food should arrive soon as well.”
I couldn’t decide which I wanted to arrive first. Nem, just so I could see her face-to-face, or the food. I was starving for both equally.
“Hey, Doc?”
He’d started to walk away, but turned around.
“I feel weird bringing this up, but I’ve got a little problem with someone at MI5. I don’t want to make a big deal about it, except it’s kind of turning into one. Or it might.”
“Whom with?”
“Her name is Iris Beacham.”
Merrigan looked over at us and raised a brow.
“What happened?” Doc asked.
I lowered my voice, wishing Merrigan wasn’t within earshot. “When I was here a few months ago, Iris and I, uh, hooked up.”
The way Doc nodded and listened made me feel like I was talking to my father. Not that my father had ever been that big a part of my life.
“Anyway, when I arrived a few days ago, she was here, waiting for me in the hotel lobby. I put her off that night, but then today, she showed up again. This time, she came to my room.”
He raised a brow.
“I talked to Cayman about it, and he said he thinks she knows someone who works at the front desk and maybe in security. I just don’t want you to think I’m compromising this investigation or not taking my job seriously or fraternizing—”
When Doc put his hand on my shoulder, I realized I was rambling. “It’s okay, Ares. It isn’t the first time agents have gotten, uh, friendly with one another.” He glanced over at his wife.
“No, um, I mean, I’m not interested in Iris. Not at all, actually. I wouldn’t have even said anything if she wasn’t with MI5.”
“Do you want me to involve her boss?”
I shook my head. “You don’t need to do that. I just wanted you to know.”
“Understood.” His hand was still on my shoulder, and he squeezed it. “I’m going to say this one time. Got it?”
“Yes, sir.”
“I have complete and total confidence in you, both as an agent and as a man. You never have to worry about me doubting you or your commitment to your job or your mission.”
“I appreciate you saying so—”
Doc shook his head. “I’m not just saying so. I mean it.” He dropped his hand when there was a knock at the door. “That’ll be the food. Come on, let’s eat.”