Page 75 of Code Name: Ares
Mayhem.The one man I’d crossed the professional line with, invited into my bed, only to have him leave the following morning without as much as a kiss goodbye. Every time I thought about him saying, “Thanks, babe,” I wanted to throw something against the wall.
When I heard another knock, I remained silent. If it were Wren returning, she would’ve said, and there was no one else I wanted to talk to.
The door handle jiggled, more forcefully than when she’d done it. “Nem, we need to talk,” said Ares.
I remained silent. He could break the door down if he wanted, but I’d not respond.
“Nem, please?”
I rolled to my side so my back faced the door and put the pillow over my head. He knocked once more but didn’t speak again. Finally, I heard his footsteps walking away.
Somehow,I slept, even with the anxiety of not knowing what the new day would bring. My stress was not due to Mayhem, as Wren—and probably Ares—believed. He was inconsequential in the face of our investigation.
I got out of bed at dawn, showered, and dressed, then went to the kitchen, hoping I was the only one up this early. I should’ve known better.
“Good morning,” I said, walking into the kitchen, where Ares sat at the bar. “You’re up early.”
He slowly turned to face me. “Never slept.”
“Felixstowe?” I asked, walking around the island to make myself a cup of tea.
Ares shook his head. No doubt he expected me to ask the next most obvious question, but I wouldn’t. I didn’t want to talk about Mayhem or my reaction to learning he was one of the profilers Ares wanted to bring in to the investigation.
“I didn’t realize it was Mayhem.”
“Let’s not talk about it.”
He stood and walked over to where I waited for the water in the kettle to heat.
“You didn’t welcome me back,” he said, leaning against the counter close enough to me that our arms brushed. I took a step to the side.
“You were on your mobile when I arrived.”
“After my call ended.”
I huffed more than sighed. “Let’s not pretend this conversation has anything to do with niceties. I reacted badly to the news a man I’d humiliated myself with was one and the same as your profiler.”
“I can withdraw my request for their assistance.”
“What? Don’t be ridiculous.” I shook my head, wondering if Wren had spoken with him and if his offer was a result of an overreaction on both their parts.
“Nem.” He put his hand on my arm, but I moved farther out of his reach. “I’m sorry.”
“In all seriousness, don’t be.”
“Would you at least look at me?”
“There are things I need to check on.”
“What about your tea?”
I turned the stove off, but before I could walk out, Ares walked around me, blocking me from leaving. “Now, I understand why you’re determined not to admit your feelings for me.”
“I’ve said it more times than should be necessary. We are colleagues. We are both unit commanders for a coalition brought together to investigate some of the most heinous crimes of this or any other century. That should be our focus, Ares, nothing else.”
“I’m sorry about my reaction the day before we left for Felixstowe.”
I reached over and turned the heat under the kettle back on. “Don’t be. Your behavior was one of professionalism.” I shifted to the side, but he trapped me from moving by putting his hands on either side of me and resting them on the counter behind me. “Unlike now,” I added.