Page 87 of Code Name: Ares
“She’s okay with it,” she said, returning to where I sat a few minutes later. “I can’t believe we have to be in London so early,” she groaned.
“Not a morning person?”
“Under normal circumstances, I am.”
What about the current circumstances was abnormal? Should I just know? Was it because Wilder was out of the country?
Wren laughed. “The look on your face…”
I laughed too. “Sorry. I’m just at a loss.”
“I’d spare you, but there is a chance this information will be ‘need to know,’ particularly tomorrow morning. I’m pregnant.”
“Oh. Uh, congratulations.”
“It’s early. As I told Nem, I didn’t realize I was pregnant the night we met and I asked you to get me a shot of Booker’s. The fact I took a sip and it turned my stomach should’ve registered with me more than it did.” Wren laughed again. “Now, I’ve embarrassed you.”
It was a personality trait I couldn’t stand about myself. My cheeks flushed when I was embarrassed. Fortunately, I didn’t find myself feeling that way very often when I was in the midst of a mission. I had less control in personal conversations with the opposite sex, regardless of how innocuous.
“Do you mind if I stay in Nem’s room tonight? It’ll make it easier all the way around, tomorrow.”
“Doesn’t matter to me.”
“Great. See you bright and early, Ares. Should we leave around zero six hundred?”
“That works.”
When we steppedout of the elevator and onto the sixth floor the following day, Grace and Mayhem were waiting just outside Z’s office.
“We have a few minutes before Marchand arrives,” said Z as we walked up. “Why don’t we chat in my office?”
“Hello,” I said, patting Mayhem on the back. “I didn’t expect you for another couple of days.”
Before he could respond, Z spoke. “I understand you taught Mayhem everything he knows,” he said to Grace.
“I held a few things back,” she said, winking before she turned to me. “Hello, Ares.” We cheek-kissed.
“Hanadarko, meet Wren Whittaker, a fellow Texan and consultant to the UN coalition we spoke about.”
“Wren is Z’s daughter,” added Mayhem. “Also, married to Wilder Whittaker. How’ve you been, Wren?”
Grace’s eyes met mine, and she motioned with her head. The two of us stepped to the side while the other three caught up.
“How the hell are you, Ares?” she asked.
“Damn glad the two of you are here, although sooner than I thought. Not that I’m complaining.”
“Things went more smoothly with Millie than we were led to believe. So, yeah. Here we are.”
“How is she?”
Grace smiled. “She’s good, but she misses you.”
“What are the two of you head-to-head about over here?” asked Mayhem, walking over and nudging me in the side with his elbow.
“Ares was asking about Millie.”
“Yes, well, I’d say she’ll be quite a lot happier to not be cooped up in a London flat. Z says the property in Shere is quite nice.”