Page 90 of Code Name: Ares
Mayhem walked over and stood beside me. “I didn’t realize it was Cayman’s parents’ place.”
“Been here before?”
“A couple of times. It’s been a few years, though. Where’d you say he was?”
“Oh, right. With Nem?”
I nodded.
“What was that Grace said about you needing to talk to me about her?”
“We’ll do it later, after you’re settled.”
“Speaking of being settled, where are we staying?” he asked.
Wren joined us. “There’s a cottage available,” she said to Grace. “It might be nicer for your dog since all that’s left in the main house is one of the smaller bedrooms.”
“How far is it? Should I grab the bags and follow?” Mayhem asked.
“No, you’ll want to drive.”
I stood where I was, trying to piece together what was happening. I was looking directly at the cottage I thought was empty.
Poseidon, who’d walked over while Wren was telling Mayhem about it, stepped closer. “She called the caretakers on our way here and asked for their assistance with making a switch. Seems another of the cottages was better suited,” he said before going inside.
Rather than follow, I walked farther across the lawn and over to the bench where Nem and I had sat before she left. Part of me dreaded her return, only based on Wren’s behavior. On the other hand, she’d assure me there wouldn’t be an issue with her working with Mayhem. For now, I’d rather go with that than think Nem hadn’t been honest with me about her feelings. About Mayhem anyway.
I closed my eyes and thought about the kiss we’d shared before she left. More, that she hadn’t said anything to me, either then or in our conversation last night, about how we needed to forget it had happened. I hoped that wouldn’t change later when she, Cayman, and Puck returned.
I losttrack of how long I’d been sitting, first lost in thought about how much I wanted to kiss Nem again, then staring at the Surrey Hills.
“Hey, there,” said Grace, plopping down on the bench when Millie came bounding up to me. “I should’ve known she was lookin’ for you when she took off runnin’,” she said, trying to catch her breath.
I chuckled. “She probably saw a squirrel or a rabbit.”
Grace reached over to pet her dog’s head. “Millie’s never been big on either. Up until the time she met you, she wasn’t big on very many people either. Quite a view,” she said, motioning with her head.
“It is beautiful here.”
“What’s goin’ on, Ares? And don’t say ‘nothing.’ It’s a lie, and we both know it.”
“I don’t know where to begin.”
“Start with Mayhem and Nem.”
I shook my head. “Not my story to tell.”
“Let me see if I can piece it together.”
I turned to her and raised a brow.
“They had a thing.”
I laughed. “A thing?”
Grace slugged me. “You know what I mean, ya jerk.”