Page 94 of Code Name: Ares
“What’s that?” I asked, pointing to the other two dishes.
“One is mine. Beef madras. The other is a surprise.”
I waited until Ares heated his meal and took the seat beside me before taking a bite.
“Oh my God, this is better than what they serve at the pub,” I groaned. “It’s brilliant.” I ate a few more bites. “And you made this? Truly?”
Ares laughed. “Don’t sound so surprised.”
“I’m not. Wait, I’m lying. I am. You could be a chef. It’s that good.”
“Wait until you taste your surprise.”
I put my hand on his arm. “Thank you. I mean that. You didn’t have to do this, and it’s really so kind.”
He put his hand on top of mine. “It was my pleasure.”
“And on top of it, you put together a very well-thought-out plan for the raid. I trust Gunner didn’t find any fault with it?” I asked before taking another heaping bite of the curry.
“He sent it to Marchand with his blessing.”
My eyes opened wide.
“I didn’t mind. I hope you don’t. It made for a quick meeting, at least. Then we went to Café Porto.”
“I’d be jealous, but this more than makes up for it.” I motioned to my empty plate.
He stood and put the final dish in the microwave.
“Let me take care of the dishes, at least. That, I do know how to do.”
“After your surprise.”
The scent of apples and cinnamon wafted over to me. “You didn’t! You made apple crisp?”
“I’m sorry to say we don’t have ice cream, though.”
I stood and walked over to the counter where Ares had set it. He faced me, and I hugged him. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. Come with me.” He picked up the warm dish, grabbed two spoons, and motioned for me to follow. Rather than go into the library, he led me to the solarium.
We sat beside each other on the sofa, and he placed the crisp on the table. “I thought it might be nicer to sit in here and talk.” He pointed to the dish. “Go ahead and eat. When you’re done, I want to hear about your conversation with Oleander.”
Ilistened with rapt attention as Nem recounted her meeting with “O.”
“I was disappointed by her unwillingness to talk more about Mithras. However, I dropped it at her insistence the coalition would understand the delay. I specifically mentioned Baissier and got a pseudo confirmation that’s who she was referring to.”
“I can’t imagine who else it would be,” I commented.
“You said he was returning to France?”
“Affirmative. He also said he’d be available for videoconference to discuss mission specifics and deployment whenever you’re ready.”
“I’ll send a request for as early as possible in the morning. Every day we delay, results in the trafficking of more victims.”