Page 96 of Code Name: Ares
“Roger that. Shall I gather everyone?”
“Please, but have breakfast first.”
Cayman shook his head. “Not a breakfast eater, Nem. You know this.”
She did? How? How many breakfasts had theynothad together?
The man patted my back on his way out of the kitchen. “She tried to get me to eat yesterday morning too.”
My eyes met Nem’s, and she grinned.
“‘What?’ he says. As if none of the three of us saw Cayman’s life teeter on the edge,” joked Poseidon. “I am surprised you’re not Italian, with how hot your blood flows.”
“Greeks aren’t any less dramatic,” Nem added, winking at me a second time.
By zero nine hundred,all those staying on the Shere property were gathered in the main sitting room. Nem had asked me to lead the briefing, after which we’d assemble teams for specific actions of deployment.
I turned to Poseidon near the end. “How many do you have coming in, and when will they arrive?” I asked.
“My three vice-commandants will arrive with ten to fifteen others. More if we need them. The first three will be here by nine hundred tomorrow. The rest will follow as ordered. I understand a similar number is coming from both Switzerland and Albania. Neither has a task force commander currently in place.”
I turned to Nem. “What are your thoughts about putting Zeppelin with Switzerland and Magnet with Albania?”
“I’ll speak with Merrigan about who we can count on for support from K19 when we wrap this up.”
“I’ll do the same with Z,” she offered, then turned to Cayman. “Why don’t you speak with Pinch?”
“Roger that,” he said.
“We’ll reconvene at twelve hundred,” I told the group.
Mayhem and Hanadarko approached me when everyone else left the room. “How can we be the most help?” he asked.
“The teams for the Bulgarian raid appear fully loaded for now, so let’s focus on Operation Felixstowe. We’re still no closer to developing a suspect list.”
“Roger that. Where would you like us to set up?”
I was about to suggest we ask Nem, when she joined us in the kitchen.
“What about the library?” she said when I faced her. “It allows for privacy but is also quite large in terms of being able to spread out.”
“We won’t be intruding on your space?” I asked.
“Not at all.”
“Anyone mind if we bring Millie up here?” Grace asked. “That’s my dog.”
Nem shrugged a shoulder. “I don’t mind in the least.”
“I’ll go getourdog,” Mayhem said, leaning down to kiss Grace before leaving the room. I couldn’t help but watch Nem’s reaction, or lack of one, from the corner of my eye.
She turned to me. “Would you mind if I sit in on one of your sessions?”
“You can participate in as many as you’d like,” Grace answered before I could. “It’ll be good to get a different perspective.”