Page 33 of Code Name: Cayman
Z folded his arms and leaned forward, resting them on the table. “Posing several issues.”
For the third or fourth time—maybe more—I wondered if now would be the moment to submit my resignation.
“I believe we can work out a compromise.”
“She is my first priority.”
He nodded again. “Understood, Trace. Now, let’s discuss logistics.”
“Sir, I—”
“As far as I can determine, the only reason the command center was set up in Shere was for convenience and the availability of your family’s estate.”
For the most part, that was true, although I doubted Nemesis would agree on the convenience aspect. She’d been determined to fight the relocation from the start. My eyes met hers, and she raised a brow, then winked.
“The solution, then, is finding an alternate location. One where Bexli feels safe.”
I was incredulous. “Are you suggesting I continue with the mission?”
Z looked up at me. “More than the mission, Cayman. You are the commanding officer of the UK’s task force. You will remain as such.”
“Sir, I—”
“The matter is not open for discussion.”
I looked at Nem, but she refused to make eye contact. While Ares was willing to meet my gaze, he had no say in what we were discussing.
“When I said Bexli was my priority, I meant above all else, including the task force and SIS.”
“Is it? Because I feel as though you aren’t hearing me.”
“Cayman,” Nem admonished.
Z held up his hand, not at me but at her. “Will you please excuse us?”
The way both Nem and Ares immediately stood and rushed out of the room made me chuckle. I was surprised when my eyes met Z’s and he was laughing too.
“My daughter had the same reaction whenever her brother was about to receive a talking-to,” he said, grinning. “Which, by the way, is not what’s happening here.”
I sobered. “Isn’t it?”
“Most definitely not.” He motioned for me to take a seat. “You said you felt as though I’m not hearing you, and I want to assure you I am.”
“My apologies—”
He shook his head. “If I were in your shoes, I guarantee I would not be reacting even remotely as calmly as you are. Now, there are a couple of things you and I are going to get straight.” His tone changed from fatherly to that of my boss. “First, you are not leaving the task force or SIS.”
When I didn’t respond, he continued.
“Second, in the same way your team came together to find Bexli, we will do everything we can for her now that she’s been rescued,includingrelocating the command center if you believe being in Shere is not in her best interest.”
“I appreciate it.”
“Which means we need to come up with an alternate location.”
I rested against the chair. “Are you suggesting Bexli remain with us at the command center, wherever that may be?”