Page 48 of Code Name: Cayman
I looked off in the distance. “I see.”
“There is another way.”
“What?” I asked, my head turning back toward her.
“The qualifications for MI5 are lesser. To apply, you need only be a British citizen over eighteen years of age.”
“That’s all?”
“There’s a test.”
“Bexli, is this something you’re considering?”
“Is it so shocking?”
“Not at all, in fact. There’s a mechanism that allows for this. I think in the UK, it is referred to as going to college rather than university. More like trade school, I suppose.”
“Am I interrupting?” A woman I hadn’t met approached. Her accent was American. Maybe Texan.
“Of course not, but would you be more comfortable sitting on the bench?”
“Yes, I would. However, as Nem will tell you, exercise is good for me.”
“Didn’t she leave with the others?”
“She did, but my husband didn’t. I’m sure she put a bug in his ear. So, what are y’all talkin’ about?”
“Bexli is considering joining MI5.”
“Really? I love that. By the way, I’m Wren. Wilder’s my husband, and Z’s my daddy. That’s how I fit in.”
Kima rolled her eyes. “You’re also one of the best agents in the world.”
Wren patted her stomach. “I’m retired now.”
Kima laughed. “Good thing you waited until after you found the auction’s IP origin as well as tracked Mithras’ location.”
“You did both those things?” I asked.
“Well, not by myself, ya know.”
Kima looked over at me. “She did. By herself. She’s also ridiculously humble.”
“Enough about me. Now, Bexli, how can I help?”
“Kima just said there’s a test.”
“If that concerns you, we can help you study,” Wren offered.
“I’m sure you have better things to do.”
She looked over at Kima. “I don’t. Do you?”
She shook her head.
“Bexli, if you’re serious about this, we could also start self-defense training and target practice.”