Page 6 of Code Name: Cayman
“To bring you up to speed, Wren and Wilder are leading those working on locating the origin of the IP hosting the auction site.”
He motioned in the direction of the library. “Nem and Z are trying to make contact with our source while I concentrate on logistics. The plan will be fine-tuned once we have a better idea of where the auction site originates from.”
While I’d participated in countless mission-planning meetings structured the same way, this felt entirely different. Never before had it been personal. Never before had I felt as though it was my own life on the line.
“Winston,” my mother whispered. “Would you mind terribly if your father and I waited for you in the upstairs library?”
“Of course, Mum. Wherever you’re comfortable.” I leaned in closer. “I’ll see if anyone’s been able to find the rest of the information we require.”
She nodded and followed my dad to the stairs.
“A moment?” asked Z, approaching me as I wished I could order everyone the fuck out of my house to allow myself the silence to think.
“Of course,” I responded, hoping I didn’t sound as on edge as I felt.
“Is there somewhere we may speak privately?” he asked.
I led him through the house and out to the solarium. Once there, I closed the door, and Z motioned for me to take a seat. Had it been anyone else, I would’ve refused.
“I will preface this by saying what I’m about to propose is not a reflection of your abilities.”
The man I admired almost more than any other was about to remove me from the post I’d held for less than two hours. In actuality, this would better suit my plan.
I got up from where I’d briefly sat. “You’ll have my resignation within the hour.”
He stood as well and blocked my exit from the room. “Sit down, Officer Trace.Now.”
“Now, Trace.”
I retook my seat while Z remained standing.
“If you will allow me the courtesy of finishing what I planned to say, I would appreciate it.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I am going to make a suggestion I’d like you to strongly consider.”
“Of course, sir,” I muttered, wanting instead to tell him to sod off.
“Allow Puck to lead the UK task force solely for this mission.”
Z held up his hand when I opened my mouth. Perhaps he thought I’d protest. Instead, I planned to tell him Puck could take over the whole fucking thing from this moment on.
“I’ve already spoken with Nemesis, and she agrees with my recommendation you work directly with her and Ares on this one. It will not behoove this mission to have you mired in the weeds. Let Puck handle those types of details. He’ll continue to report to you. However, you’ll be far more effective looking at things from a higher level.”
Z sat down and leaned forward. “It has been many years since I faced the possibility of losing someone I cared deeply about. While the circumstances were entirely different, I will never forget the way I felt. It was as though I operated every day in a fog, unable to clearly see what was right in front of me.”
I nodded, unable to speak.
“Unlike you, I was quite alone. Worse, I had two young children about to lose their mum. Again, the circumstances were vastly different, Winston. However, I do know how you’re feeling. I remember it all as if it happened yesterday.”
God, I had to get out of this bloody room. “I’m sorry, sir,” I muttered, hoping he was nearing the end of whatever he had to say.
“I did not bring this up in an effort to gain your sympathies. My reason is to say that some of the best agents in the world are on the other side of that door, doing everything they can to figure out where Bexli is. We are all working together to that end. This is no longer about taking down Mithras, which we’ll do eventually. Right now, this is personal. Bexli is an extension of you, Cayman, which means one of our own is in danger. It’s one of our own we’ll save. I guarantee on everything I hold dear that there isn’t a single person out there who doesn’t share the same sentiment. I’d also venture to say if anyone else were in the position you are now, you wouldn’t rest until you’d done the exact same thing they are.”
Before I could respond, there was a knock at the door. “Bloody hell,” he muttered, standing, then walking over to open it. “What is it?” he barked at Nemesis, whose eyes opened wide.