Page 73 of Code Name: Cayman
“By all means.” His expression remained curious.
“Last night, Oleander received intel alluding to Mithras’ twenty, which is the reason I scheduled the briefing so early in the day. However, what we were told this morning makes things far more urgent in nature.”
I held my breath, dreading whatever it was he was about to say.
He took a deep breath and looked directly at me. “We have strong reason to believe Mithras has abducted Francesca Vella—Nonna.”
“No!”I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands.
“Our sources believe he is trying to accomplish two things. First, draw us out. Second, draw out her daughter, Charlene Vella-Borg, and grandson, Xavier Vella.” He looked over at Oleander, who stood.
“With Cayman’s permission, I’d like each task force commander to form teams,” she began. “We’ll need four in total. Given our recent losses in the field, I would suggest Mayhem and Wilder consider volunteering for this mission.”
“Count me in too,” said Hanadarko.
I looked at Wren, who shook her head.
“We are still waiting for hard evidence of what we’ve received and will not deploy until we get it. Like before, it could be another trap.” Oleander looked at Cayman, who nodded, then both turned to Z.
“If there are no urgent questions at this time, I’ll close the briefing to allow you all to prepare and assemble your teams. We’ll reconvene at twelve hundred hours unless we receive prior confirmation of Mithras’s location.”
Those who were seated stood, and I immediately went to the front door to leave. I didn’t belong here. More, I couldn’t hold it together a minute longer. Nonna, a woman who had been kind, gracious, and loving to me, who’d saved my life, was now in Mithras’ clutches. I couldn’t help but feel responsible.
I’d just closed the door when a sob erupted from somewhere deep inside me. I bent at the waist and put my hands on my knees, certain if I didn’t, I’d lose my balance.
“Bexli,” I heard Cayman say from behind me. I stood up straight and came face-to-face with him. Rather than speak, he pulled me into his arms and held me while I cried. “We will save her. I give you my solemn promise, no matter what it takes.”
I tightened my grip, fearing he was about to let me go. I wasn’t ready. I needed his strength.
When the door opened and others came outside, Cayman took my hand. “Come with me.”
He led me around the house, into the solarium, up the back staircase, and into the bedroom where I’d slept before going to stay with Kima.
“I know how frightened you must be,” he said, cupping my cheek once we were inside with the door shut. “But again, we will save her.”
I wanted to tear the ridiculous clothes from my body. Here I was, playing at being an agent, when Nonna was in danger. I felt like an idiot.
My eyes met his, and the concern, the love, I saw in them nearly leveled me. “I know, Cay. There isn’t anyone I believe in more than I do you.”
His eyes closed, and he raised his face to the ceiling, then looked back down at me. “I was such a bastard. The things I said to both you and Kima, but mostly to you. My God, I’m so ashamed. I could tell you it was because I was terrified the horse would throw you or something else awful would happen…just thinking about it is too horrible. I’m sorry. Truly, sincerely, deeply. I don’t know how you’ll ever forgive me, but I hope someday, you’ll be able to.”
“I already have.”
He studied me. “You have?”
“Of course.” I leaned up and brushed his mouth with mine like I had a few short days ago. This time, he didn’t hesitate to respond.
I whimpered when his tongue pressed between my lips, parting them, and I reached around his neck, holding him to me. My fingers wove in his unruly but silky soft hair, urging him to kiss me harder, deeper. Desire I couldn’t deny, even knowing Nonna was in danger, spread from my mouth to the tips of my fingers and toes, settling between my legs. I pressed my body into his.
He pulled away and rested his forehead against mine. “God, Bexli, do you have any idea how much I want you, how long I’ve wanted you?” He knelt before me, holding me close and resting his head on my abdomen. He leaned back then and put his hand on the waist of my trousers.
When I removed my jacket and tossed it on the floor, I looked down at him and our eyes met.
“Tell me to stop if this isn’t what you want, Bex.”
My eyes filled with tears. “Forgive me, Cay.”