Page 76 of Code Name: Cayman
She studied me and shook her head. “I don’t need to be taken care of, Cayman. I need you. Just you.”
“I need you too. More than I ever dreamed. Wait, I did dream of you and me together. I just never thought it would be more than a fantasy.”
“I know you need to leave again, and as much as it terrifies me, I won’t beg you to stay like I did the last time. I understand this is something you must do.”
“It is, Bex. I need to do it for Nonna, for you, and for myself.”
“I know. Please, please, please be as safe as you possibly can.”
“I will.”
By the timeI got downstairs after making love to Bexli once more, Puck had assembled the UK team.
“Many thanks,” I said, running my hand through my wet hair after taking a hasty shower.
“Of course,” Puck muttered.
When he studied me, I wondered if I had something on my face. Soap residue, maybe? “What’s wrong?”
“Not sure. You look different.”
“Than I did this morning?”
He shrugged and went back to whatever he was viewing on his computer.
Whether I actually looked different or not, I certainly felt it. I’d spent many years as a man in love, but this was the first time in my life the woman who meant more to me than anyone or anything else in the world returned my love. I felt as though I was walking on air.
It would be short-lived, though. I was certain. Sometime in the next few hours, I’d have to leave Bexli behind again and walk into God knew what Mithras had in store for us.
“How are you, Cayman?” Nem asked when I approached and sat at a table with her and Z.
“Better. Thanks. I, um, owe you both an apology. My behavior has been atrocious at best.”
They turned to each other, then back at me.
“Cayman, I believe I, too, owe you an apology,” Z began. “Poseidon—”
“Would prefer it if he could flaunt over me that he is a task force commander and I am not.” I smiled. “Look, if you think it would be best to replace me as lead on this mission, I will certainly understand. I’ve made many mistakes and have neglected to achieve any of the goals we originally set forth.”
“You rescued Bexli,” said Nem.
“Certainly not alone, but yes.”
“I, for one, would be opposed to a replacement,” she added.
“As would I,” said Z.
Our three mobiles went off simultaneously. An overhead image of Mithras appeared on my screen. Next to him, tied to the chair, was Francesca Vella. Her expression was odd. She seemed more annoyed than frightened. The look on Mithras’ face was far easier to read. He smiled at the camera and, with one finger, pointed to the sign he held. “Bring Bexli and her Nonna goes free,” it read.
Maybe he hadn’t wanted to lure Charlene Vella-Borg and Xavier Vella out. Only us. He knew we’d come. He also knew Bexli would remain here, safe in England and heavily guarded in the event his intention was to lure us away in order to get to her.
I looked up at Z. “We need to relocate Bexli.”
“Agreed. Do you have anywhere in particular in mind?” he asked.
“Not yet, but—”
“I do,” he interrupted.