Page 88 of Code Name: Cayman
She looked between us. “Is that something I should congratulate you for? I mean, if he proposed and you accepted, I certainly would.”
“You should definitely congratulate us, then,” Cayman said, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing the back of it.
Bexli, Wren, and I spent the rest of the morning reviewing the briefs I’d received from Nem. When I was finished, Bexli folded her arms on the table in front of her.
“Where is Xavier now?” she asked.
“I’m uncertain.”
“Will he be charged with murder for killing Mithras?”
“It’s doubtful, given he had a gun pressed to Francesca Vella’s temple.” Something else occurred to me. “I’ve also begun to question whether Gozo even has a police force.” I was being facetious, but I made a mental note to ask Nem whether anyone from local law enforcement had been contacted.
“The woman who was beaten, Xavier’s girlfriend, what is her condition?” Bex asked next.
I swiped the screen of my mobile and read the last report I’d received from Seshat. “She’s expected to make a full recovery and has been released from the hospital.”
“Where is she now?”
“I’m not certain, but I’ll inquire.”
Bex nodded. “And Nonna? Is she okay?”
I told her and Wren how the woman appeared more annoyed and angry with Mithras than afraid.
“It sounds like her,” Bex said, chuckling.
“I have a question,” said Wren.
“Go ahead.”
“It’s my understanding that Xavier Vella, his aunt, and grandmother were granted immunity from the US embassy. Immunity from what?”
I was about to tell her I wasn’t certain when another email arrived from Nem. “Hold on,” I said, raising a finger. I scanned the updated report. “Excellent timing. I’ve just received an update,” I commented once finished.
“What does it say?” Wren asked.
“It wasn’t immunity; it was protection the Vella family was seeking. Although, in answer to Bex’s question, Xavier may now seek it if he faces any charges.”
“You said the family,” said Bex.
“That’s right. Xavier and Francesca Vella, as well as Charlene Vella-Borg, left Gozo and went to the embassy on the main island within hours of me finding you in the apartment.”
“I’m confused. I thought Nonna was still in Gozo. If she wasn’t, how was Moretti able to abduct her?”
“According to this, Xavier and his aunt were in for a deposition. When it concluded, they returned to their rooms to find Francesca missing.”
With wide eyes, Bexli turned to Wren. “It’s someone at the embassy. It makes sense, right? Whoever it is could’ve tipped off Mithras about the team traveling to Sharm el-Sheikh and also allowed him access to Nonna.” She looked at me. “Wait. You don’t think he was working at the embassy himself, do you?”
“I don’t believe he was. While I’m not certain she met him, I would think Vella-Borg would’ve recognized him.”
“Good point.”
While the subject matter of what we were discussing was quite serious, I understood the look on Wren’s face. She was proud of Bexli, as was I. In the next paragraph of her report, Nem said she’d come to the same conclusion.