Page 9 of Code Name: Cayman
I took off, running as fast as I could toward what sounded like lapping water. My lungs burned when I reached a seawall. I climbed to the top, and while I could tell it was a bay, based on the rock formations I could make out a short distance from where I stood, there wasn’t enough light from the moon to see into the water below.
Did it matter how far, how deep, or what was in it? Would my fate change if I jumped? While life or death hung in the balance of what I did next, I’d already decided I preferred the latter over returning to Moretti’s clutches, where he’d probably kill me anyway.
I sat down, eased to the edge, and pushed off the wall. I closed my eyes and prayed as my body hit the warm, salty water.
While I’d listened when both Poseidon and Z said Bexli was one of us andwewould rescue her together, I was prepared to act on my own, with the plan I’d formulated and my parents had agreed to support. As far as I was concerned, there was no better use of our family’s wealth.
I entered into the meetings with the goal of finding out the origin of the auction’s IP and where the team believed Bexli was being held.
I followed Nem into the room where Z and Oleander were chatting. The first time I met O—as most called her—the woman didn’t make eye contact with me. Then, she’d likely considered me part of Nem’s entourage. Today, I almost wished I didn’t have to see the cold gray depths of her expression. I had to remind myself that even if she couldn’t be considered one of the “good guys,” shewason our side.
“Cayman,” she said when I walked beyond the room’s entrance.
Rather than sit between her and Nemesis, I chose the opposite seat.
“We’ve been able to trace the IP’s origin to the island of Gozo in the Maltese archipelago,” Nem began. “It is more rural and far less populated than the main island. The area you see outlined in blue is privately owned,” Nem added when an overhead view appeared on the room’s screen she’d automatically lowered. “The shell corp listed as the owner—AMPS Incorporated—is registered in Mauritius.”
The small island nation was located just off the eastern coast of Africa and was one of the few remaining places where offshore accounts were legal, thus allowing their owners to store assets while maintaining the highest level of privacy and confidentiality. The very thing an organization engaged in sex trafficking would require. I watched as the image on the screen went from overhead to street-level view.
“We believe this villa is the exact location of the IP origin,” said Oleander. What I saw resembled more a monastery than what she’d described.
I looked over my shoulder when the door opened and Poseidon and Ares entered the room. The latter set his laptop on the table.
“Gentlemen, what have you got for us?” Nem asked.
“These are from the overheads,” said Poseidon when Ares zoomed in on a man exiting a vehicle. Oleander stood and looked over my shoulder.
“That’s him,” she said, leaning in to study the blurry photo of the person who looked similar to the two pictures I’d seen of Mithras. The next image showed he was not alone.
“I counted eleven bodyguard-types,” Poseidon added. “All appear heavily armed.”
Ares clicked through several more images of the areas surrounding the villa. One side was bordered by a dense thicket, the other by the sea. However, outside the property’s boundaries and within a hundred meters of where the forest met the ocean, there was a row of multi-level apartment buildings. Inland from the trees, and equally as far, was a village.
“May I?” Ares asked Nem, walking over to disconnect her laptop. She nodded, and he connected his.
When yet another aerial view came on the screen, Poseidon stepped closer. “The western side of the estate borders the road leading toWied il-Mielah.” The twenty-eight-meter-high limestone arch resembling a window was the most well-known and oft-photographed landmark on Gozo.
“Do you believe this is where we’ll find Bexli?” I asked, my eyes boring into his.
“I do.”
The next thing to appear was a schematic. Ares pointed to the lower right corner. “According to this, the ‘villa’ was originally designed to be a convent, which explains the number of bedrooms you see on the second and third floors.”
He pressed a button on the remote, and a second image appeared beside the drawing.
Ares zoomed in close enough that we could see the second- and third-level windows on the side of the building facing the woods were covered by bars. Those on the main level were not.
“If what we saw on the dark website is any indication, I estimate there may be as many as twenty victims being held here in advance of the auction,” said Ares.
Puck came into the room. “I’ve arranged for reinforcements from MI5. The three I requested are ready to deploy as soon as they receive orders. Oh, and Verity, who’s just arrived.”
“Hold up,” said Magnet. “Verity is mine.”