Page 38 of Pyro
The moment we enter the back of the bar, my nostrils are assaulted by the stench of piss, shit, and sweat. It’s like an inferno in here. Someone has jacked the temperature up. The room is encased in darkness, but I can hear the deep breaths of the Dirty Demons. The fuckers are tied up here, and no doubt have been wondering what awaits them.
“Christ,” Makenna laughs. “Someone really has a nervous stomach.”
The light flickers on, and I bite back a chuckle when I see six men strapped to makeshift pillars, the exact same way Chloe was. These men are stripped down to their underpants. Brown liquid runs down the legs of one of the Demons. The fucker defecated on himself. The man’s fucking stocky as hell, probably outweighs Raptor by about seventy pounds. Raptor’s huge and looks as though he’s built on steroids, whereas this cunt is just all fat.
“I love when they get nervous.” Jade smirks. “They get real talkative. But what I really love is when they act macho and then I let my bloodlust out.”
The two women are fucking vicious. I bet their husbands sleep with one eye open. If they were my woman, I would. Hell, I’d be sleeping with a fucking machete under my pillow, just in case I said something wrong and my woman was out for blood.
“So,” Denis begins, ignoring his cousin. “Which one of you kidnapped my daughter?”
The men are silent. The man who shit himself keeps his gaze firmly on the ground in front of him.
“No one’s going to answer me?” The casual way that Denis says the words would make you believe he’s just going to give up, but he’s getting angrier by the second.
“Let’s try this again,” Jade says as she steps forward. The woman straightens her back and looks as though she’s grown taller. “Who T-boned the vehicle my cousin and brother-in-law were in? Who was the fucker who smashed Elio Gallo’s face into the steering wheel and burnt him with cigarettes while he was unconscious?”
Christ. The Gallagher’s never said what happened to Elio. No wonder the man’s fucking pissed. I’m surprised he’s not here right now. I don’t know what the Gallagher’s promised him, but it must be something fucking major for him to not be here for revenge.
Crunk, the fucker, smirks. “It’s a shame. Would have loved to hear him fuckin’ scream as the cigarette burnt him. Where is he? Lickin’ his wounds?”
Oh, that fucker is pushing his mother-fucking luck.
“What I don’t get…” Kelvin begins. The fucker is filled with smiles as he stands with his hands in his pockets, casual as fuck. “Is why you would go after the Gallo’s and Gallagher’s. You had to know that a war would start, that no matter what you’d be going against the biggest hitters in the world. So, why? Why put your brothers through it? Why would you sentence them to death?”
“Family,” Crunk snarls. “That’s why.”
“Yours,” I hiss at him. “Your family, not the club’s. What did you promise Bear? Hmm? What did you promise your prez and brothers in return for goin’ after Chloe?”
“I didn’t have to promise anythin’. My brothers trust me. The prez trusted me.”
“Trusted?” Makenna asks instantly. “He doesn’t anymore? Guess I can’t blame him. No one wants a useless fucker as their second in command.”
‘Fuck you,” Crunk grunts. “I’m not useless.”
‘“Sure,” Makenna drawls. “So, your prez is dead?” she asks. She’s playing them. We know he’s not. He’s currently in a room alone, bleeding profusely, no doubt regretting going into business with his fucking VP and his psychotic family. Now he’s got the weight of the Gallagher’s on his ass.
“Seems like it.” The fucker grins. “Which makes me Prez.”
Every Demon member tenses at Crunk’s words.
“No club vote?” I ask, wondering how this fuck even made it to be Vice President. The fuck is obviously delusional and crazy beyond fucking words.
“Don’t need a club vote, motherfucker,” he grunts. “I’m VP, which means I’m President.”
“Bullshit,” Ace snarls. “That’s not how this fuckin’ goes and you know it. The club votes in the new President, and let me tell you, asshole, lookin’ at your brother’s faces, there’s no fuckin’ way you’d have the vote.”
He pulls against his bindings, his face red as a fucking beetroot as he snarls. His lips curl up at the ends, and I’m sure there’s a little foam coming out of his mouth. “I’m the fuckin’ best. That’s why I’m now the president.”
“Sure,” Makenna laughs. “You may be if Bear were dead.” The grin she has is devilish. The woman is a fucking force to be reckoned with. “But your prez is alive.” She pauses as she glances around the room at the men. “For now, at least.”
One of the Demons lifts his head. “He’s alive?”
“He is,” Denis confirms. “For now.”
“You fuckin’ said he was dead,” the guy snarls at Crunk. “You told us that they killed him.”
Crunk merely shrugs. “Thought he was. What does it matter? We’re all goin’ to fuckin’ die here anyway. You think the Gallagher’s are goin’ to let us out of here alive?”