Page 3 of Ruthless Arrangement
Four years later
“Ty’s been shot,” Emiliano growls. He’s my right-hand man. He proved his loyalty to me when he came on board the moment I moved to Indianapolis, relocating from Chicago to work alongside me.
“How?” I snarl, pissed that this shit is happening first thing in the damn morning. My ass is on the way to Chicago to pick up my sister-in-law’s cousin and bring her to Indianapolis with me. Why the fuck I’m the one who has to do this shit is beyond me. But the boss wants it done, and I’m the man he turned to. When Rocco says jump, I say how fucking high. That’s the way it goes.
“Right now, we’re trying to figure that out. From what the men have gathered, he was on his corner, doing his damn fucking job, when he was gunned down by a dude on a bike.”
Fucking hell.
“Did anyone see if the biker was wearing a cut?”
At the moment, we’re having problems with the Dirty Demons. They hate that the Gallo’s are growing rapidly in Indiana. We have amassed over fifty men within the first three months. All those men have proved their loyalty to the Famiglia and are now soldiers.
“From what Raul said, yes, they did. It was the Dirty Demons. We’re working on how the fuck this happened, boss. There’s no way that Ty should have been alone. Everyone knows that shit. So why the fuck, on a night when he’s alone, do the Demons shoot him?”
Emiliano is smelling a rat, as am I. This shit is why I was wary about having so many new men join the ranks. While they have shown their loyalty, it doesn’t mean they’re only loyal to us. Something about this situation doesn’t sit right. I’m a distrustful bastard by nature, and this is starting to smell like a set-up.
“Find out who the fuck was supposed to be with him last night, Emiliano. Whoever it is has blood on their hands. I want them found.”
“On it, boss,” he replies. “I’ll have the answer by the end of the day.”
“Good, I’m on my way to Chicago. Any news call me. I want whoever the fuck did this, Emil. I want their heads on a platter. We need to send a message out. No one takes out one of our men and gets away with it.”
There haven’t been any fucking turf wars over the past few months. Not after the shit with the Masters’ going after the Gallagher’s, and both of my sisters being caught up in it. That feud killed my youngest sister, Vivi. So between the Gallagher’s and the Gallo’s, we took out the entire family and organization. No one kills our family and lives to tell the tale.
Since then, there hasn’t been anyone stupid enough to come at us. Whether or not they’ve been biding their time and growing allies is something we won’t know until the time comes, but these fucking Demons are going to pay for killing Ty.
“I have Lorenzo scouring the security footage from the surrounding buildings to see if he can uncover anything.”
Lorenzo is one of the newer recruits. The man is nineteen and has an IQ of one-hundred-and-thirty or something like that. He’s bright as fuck and can hack anything you put in front of him. He’s been a huge asset since joining us. Not to mention, he’s a cold-blooded killer. It’s how I met the guy. He beat a guy to death, and it would have been his third strike if he got caught. He has had some anger issues. We made a deal: I cover up the death of the guy he killed, and he comes to work for me. While he’s ruthless as hell, he’s of more use to me being my tech guy, something he’s okay with as long as he’s able to unleash his rage every now and then.
“Emil, find who did this and who allowed it to happen,” I snarl. There’s no holding back on this one. We need to let people know that we mean business. They need to know that if you come after the Gallo’s, you should expect payback.
“On it,” he replies, and I end the call.
I drive toward the boss’ house. Rocco isn’t happy, but neither am I. My brother took over the reins as head of this family from our shitty father. My father used to be someone I admired, until I walked into the house one day and found him beating the shit out of my sister Adelina. My sister was badly beaten, and I often wonder if she would have survived if I hadn’t shown up. From that moment onward, Rocco, Dario, and I were determined that our father wouldn’t lead our men any longer.
Of course, my father took the only way out he could when he stepped down as Capo. He put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. He didn’t want to feel the wrath of his sons, nor did he want to feel the wrath of Adelina’s husband, Hayden Gallagher.
Thankfully, since Rocco took over at the helm, the Famiglia has grown leaps and bounds. We have more men than ever before, and the loyalty of those men is fierce. We’ve grown the legitimate side of our businesses by almost double, and we’ve tripled the income from every business venture we have. The Famiglia has become one of the biggest crime families in America since Rocco took over, and every made man is making more money than they could have ever dreamed.
But that could be taken away if we get complacent and our enemies start to come for us. Rocco and I want this shit with the Demons to be over and done with. If it means taking out the entire chapter, then so be it. We’re not going to lose everything we’ve built because these fucking assholes are looking to get in on the action. Hell fucking no.
I reach Rocco’s house just as he and Dario are climbing out of the car. My brothers wait for me to park my vehicle and climb out. Just as I do, my cell rings. “Yeah?”
“Boss,” Emiliano says. “It was Clover, the Sergeant at Arms for the Dirty Demons,” he says, and I hear the grin in his voice.
“Excellent. Find the bastard, Emil, and once you do, we’ll send the Demons a fucking message.” My anger is palpable. These bastards have come into our territory and taken out one of our men. There’s no way I’m letting this go. No fucking way.
Rocco grips my shoulder. “We’ll get our revenge, brother,” he promises. “We’ll pay Ty’s family a visit and ensure that they’re taken care of.”
I grit my teeth and nod. I know his mom would appreciate that. Ty joined our organization so that he could help his mom pay for his father’s medical bills. Having us take care of them will put them at ease, especially as there’s three other boys in the house that are underage.
“I’d have Dario bring Chloe to Indianapolis, but I don’t trust that he’d leave her untouched.”
I can’t deny that. Our brother may be the youngest of the three of us, but he’s also the biggest player. He can have a woman swooning within minutes. The last thing we need is the Gallagher’s on us because Dario doesn’t know how the hell to keep his cock in his pants.