Page 8 of Ruthless Arrangement
My heart pounds when I hear one of the men growl, “Get the fuck away from her,” his voice filled with emotion. He cares about the girl. “I said, get the fuck away from her,” he snaps.
I’ve never had anyone care about me; someone who’d go to any lengths to protect me, as he has done with the girl. Sometimes I wish I had just one person who’d love me. Lola came close, but ultimately, she threw me to the wolves when she told them I had started my period and was ready for them. That destroyed me more than anything a man could have done to me. She was the only person I cared about, and I thought she felt the same about me, but in the end, I’ve realized that I can only count on myself.
The light from the fire in the room allows me to see the men as they leave. One has the girl tucked safely in his arms, while the other drags an unconscious Crunk out of the room.
I continue to hear yelling upstairs, and I can make out some of the words. The men who came for the girl are taking the Dirty Demons. Those who are still alive. My heart stutters at their words. They’re taking them away.
I stare at the wall in shock. They’re taking them away from here. Hope blooms in my chest. Can this be real?
Within minutes, all I hear is silence. For the first time in my life, I feel peace. Utter peace. I bite back a sob as a sense of relief washes over me. I’m free. Oh, God, I’m free.
I can’t stop the tears from falling. Never in a million years did I think this could happen, but here we are. All the Demons are gone, and everything they did to me bursts from me. The pain, the anger, the betrayal… all of it washes over me, and I can’t stop the sobs from wracking through my body.
Why would anyone do what they did to me and to the girl? Why would they rape me continuously? The sobs continue to rip through me as my mind replays everything they did to me. I’m weak, so damn weak. I should have told them to leave me alone. I should have fought against them. Done something. Instead, I just laid there and took it.
The light from the fire dims, the cold starts to seep into my body, and it hits me. I’m tied by my collar to the wall. I can’t move unless I have the key, but that’s inside Crunk’s pocket and he’s no longer here.
My freedom wasn’t long-lived. Sooner or later, I’m going to die here, just as I always knew I would. I thought that when death came for me, I’d be more frightened. Instead, I’m at peace with it. I think that having the last days of my life without those animals has made it better.
I lie down on the ratty, makeshift bed. I’m tired, my tears still tumbling down my cheeks, but I leave them unchecked. I close my eyes and smile. I’m alone. No one can hurt me. Not anymore.
* * *
I wake with a start,shrouded in complete darkness. The fire is out, what with no one around to feed it and keep it going. I blink into the darkness as I try to wrack my brain as to what woke me. I hear the door opening and instantly hold my breath. I can’t have anyone find me. No. I want this peace. I want to fade away without any more pain.
A light flashes in the darkness, and I hear heels tap against the floor. “Are you sure?” I hear a soft, Irish accent ask.
“I’m sure,” a man replies, his tone very brisk. He, too, has an accent, only his is British. I also know from his voice that he was here earlier. He’s the man who dragged Crunk from the room. “She’s down here, Jade.”
“Let’s find her. We need to get her out of here,” the woman says again as she shines the light against the wall in front of me.
I press tight against the wall. No. I don’t want to go. I finally made peace. I need to stay here. I want to stay here.
I blink harshly as the light shines into my eyes. “Oh, I’m sorry,” the woman says as she lowers the light. “My name’s Jade Gallagher. How about we get you out of here?”
I shake my head and press as tight as I can against the wall.
The light shines once again, but this time, instead of being in my face, it shines against the ceiling, letting me see both of the people who are standing before me. Both have worried expressions as they watch me.
“Why?” she asks, a furrow forming between her eyes.
“I just want peace,” I croak. Not speaking for years has made my voice husky and rough. “I don’t want to be hurt anymore.”
Jade crouches in front of me. “What if I were to promise you that you wouldn’t be hurt? Would you come with me?”
I blink. Is she for real? Judging by her accent, and the fact that she’s a Gallagher, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to put two and two together and come up with the fact that she’s part of the Irish Mafia. There’s no one alive who hasn’t heard of the famous Gallagher Clann.
“I just want to get you out of here, let a doctor look at you, and then find you someplace safe to sleep,” she says.
“No,” I say, shaking my head.
“Please,” she implores.
“What’s your name, love?” the British man asks. “I’m Kelvin and this is Jade. What’s yours?”
“Teagan,” I breathe. It’s been years since I last spoke my name. It feels foreign against my lips.
“I like it,” he says, giving me a grin. “What do you want?”