Page 12 of Paddle Bunny
Pain flared on the other side of her ass.
“Two, Sir.”
“Very good, bunny. Keep it up.”
After that, the smacks came at a faster, harsher rate. Tears filled her eyes by the fourth smack, and by the tenth she was sobbing. But somehow, she managed to keep counting each crack that sounded, each bit of pain he added to her ass.
“Fifteen, Sir,” she cried, not fighting the physical bonds, but instead, the emotional ones that held her trapped in her body and not floating… somewhere.
Had he done this on purpose? She could feel her soul trying to hide, float out of her body. She couldn’t slip away because she had to count, had to speak, which became harder and harder as the heat and pain built in her ass and filled her with a wild sort of pleasurable need.
At the same time, her pussy filled and overflowed onto her thighs. The arousal that was building low in her belly surprised her, and yet it didn’t. This was what she wanted, what she needed. The pain of the spanking was turning her on, winding her up, dragging her closer and closer to… something.
“Twenty, Sir,” she managed, her voice nearly gone between the counting and the cries of pain.
While she was prepared for the next slap, it did not come.
“Open your eyes, bunny.”
Blinking several times, she finally managed to hold her eyes open long enough to look into his mossy-green ones. “Such pretty eyes,” she murmured, her words slurring together as if she’d drunk a bottle of wine all by herself.
The skin around those eyes crinkled as Morgan smiled. “How are you feeling, bunny?”
“Shiny, Sir,” she responded, using a term she’d picked up on her favorite sci-fi/western-blended television show. Then she frowned. “Are we done already? I think I lost count.”
Morgan’s chuckle had her blinking and trying to focus, though it was difficult.
“You’re all right, bunny. Do you think you can handle five strokes with my belt? You don’t have to count them. You can fly away if you want. Then we’ll go somewhere and cuddle, if you’d like. Or I can fingerfuck your pretty pussy until you scream out your orgasm.”
Zoe blinked, but she couldn’t think, so she said the only thing she could. “Okay.”
“Okay, who?”
“Okay, Sir,” she breathed as she closed her eyes and relaxed into the pain that heated her ass and sent fire through her bloodstream. “Cuddles and orgasm sounds good, Sir.”
The first stripe of fire cut through the mushy fuzzy feeling like a hot knife through butter. She screamed and jerked at her bonds, needing to get away from the pain. Maybe this was not such a good idea after all.
Morgan placed the second stripe just below the first, then continued down her ass until the final stroke landed across the crease where thigh met ass cheek.
All at once, Zoe found herself flying around and through pink fluffy clouds covered with glitter. The pain in her ass was there, but not there. For the first time since she could remember, she had no racing thoughts attacking her. Everything was so far away from her that she couldn’t remember what she had been worried about before arriving at the club.
Was this the subspace she had read about in her romance books? If so, she liked it. She liked it a lot. It was beautiful and she could not wait to come to this place again.
Morgan put his belt back on and smiled as Zoe began to hum. Though her face was covered with tears and snot, she was smiling and looked oh, so peaceful.
Taking a moment to use a damp cloth to wipe her face clean and help her blow her nose, he released her from her bonds and picked her up. As he turned, a member of the cleaning staff stood just beyond the roped off area, waiting for them to leave so she could wipe down the bench for the next user.
“Could you please take my toy bag to the office after you clean the station?”
“Absolutely, Master Morgan,” the woman said with a gentle smile before glancing at the woman in his arms. “It’s good to see she found someone she’s comfortable with. I was afraid she was going to quit before she met the right man.”
Morgan didn’t respond to the insight. Picking Zoe up bridal style, he looked around and found an empty leather couch in a seating area nearby. He settled in one corner of the couch and adjusted her so that she lay across his body. Her weight rested on one hip and her upper body draped across his chest with her head resting just below his chin. He grabbed the soft, fuzzy yellow blanket from the back of the couch and spread it over her.
He could not help but smile with pleasure when she snuggled closer, took a deep breath, and sighed. As the air left her body, she relaxed completely.
“You’re a good girl, bunny. You took your spanking well,” he murmured as she combed his fingers through her hair, petting her as he would a favorite pet.
She murmured, but did not rouse, which was fine with Morgan. It had been so long since he’d given aftercare to a submissive he’d almost forgotten the pleasure he received from this quiet time.