Page 22 of Paddle Bunny
Zoe blinked and frowned up at him. “I thought you were a sadist?”
“I am. But I am also a Dominant and after the week we’ve both had, I think we need a little pampering. After a nice relaxing bath, there’s a bowl of chocolate mousse in the refrigerator, and my bed with soft pillows and warm blankets. How does that sound?”
“Like heaven,” Zoe sighed as she rested more of her weight against him.
Zoe’s heart was telling her that Morgan was the man she could see spending the rest of her life with. But instead of admitting her growing feelings, she rolled her lips over her teeth to keep the feelings safely locked inside.
Though Morgan had come just an hour before, his cock was once again hard as iron and demanding satisfaction. It did not care that he was forty years old and should not have the recovery and stamina he’d had a teenager. But with Zoe, he felt alive and decades younger than his calendar age.
He only hoped that would continue.
When the elevator doors opened on the penthouse floor, he stepped out first and checked to make sure Bjorn, Viking, and their women were safely locked behind their doors and not waiting to pounce. The lobby was empty.
With Zoe’s hand in his, he led her to the left where his penthouse lay looking over the west and south sides of the city. Another fingertip scan and the door unlocked. As he pushed the door in, he made a mental note to take the time to get Zoe’s hand and fingerprints scanned into the computer, so she had access to his home for those times he wasn’t with her.
Leading her into his home, he waited to hear her opinion.
“Wow, it’s beautiful,” she whispered.
He released her hand and secured the internal locks that were not accessible from outside. He then turned and watched as she wandered his home. Though he lived in the middle of the city, he had instructed the designer they’d used to make his home feel warm and comfortable, a homey space.
She had lived up to his direction, making his penthouse apartment feel more like an oversized cabin in the woods rather than one of those cold, industrial-feeling spaces. The major color was the golden oak of the floors, cabinets, and interior walls. The exterior walls were made up of sliding glass doors that opened to allow him access to the wrap-around patio beyond.
The furniture was heavy, leather, and wood as well, with a buffalo-plaid wool blanket tossed over the back of the couch and several photographs and paintings of forest scenes on the wall. The dining area was tucked away on the other side of the kitchen and the island held several stools. He liked to cook and had an industrial stove and oven as well as refrigerator in the kitchen. All in all, it was a comfortable space where, if he wanted, he could close the curtains along the exterior walls and pretend he was in a mountain retreat far from the city, his job, and its many responsibilities.
When Zoe turned to look at him, she looked stunned. “This isyourapartment?”
“Yes, why?”
“It just… well, um… it just isn’t what I expected, is all,” she said.
Morgan could not help but laugh at the befuddled expression on her face. “I wasn’t always a billionaire, sweetheart. I actually prefer living in the mountains, hunting, fishing, being a man of nature,” he admitted.
Zoe just nodded and looked from him to the room and then back at him again. “So why do you live in the city and not on a mountaintop somewhere?”
“Because I also love working, and if I left, Bjorn and Viking would be heartbroken. They would probably waste away to nothing in weeks because neither of them can cook, though they try, bless their souls.”
Zoe’s chuckle had him crossing to his comfortable oversized recliner and picking up the controller that ran his home. Pushing a button, the curtains began to close. A second dimmed the lights in the living room and the third turned them on in his bedroom.
Putting down the controller, he went into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of water, the bowl of chocolate mousse from the refrigerator, and a couple of spoons from the drawer by the sink. Then he herded Zoe into his bedroom.
“Come along, bunny. Time for a bath and then bed.”
Chapter Thirteen
Zoe hissed as her still tender ass hit the hot water. She squeaked a protest when her battered buttocks landed on the hard bottom of the tub. When Morgan climbed in and settled behind her, she smiled. Sharing a hot bath with the sadist was not something she’d expected.
She would have moved away, but Morgan wrapped an arm around her middle and pulled her back to lean against him. “Relax, bunny. We don’t have to be anywhere any time soon. I’ll wash you up in a few minutes.”
Taking a deep breath, she followed his order, melting back against his chest. Closing her eyes, she felt herself slipping closer and closer to sleep, which was the last thing she wanted, so she opened them again.
“Dessert?” Morgan asked, holding a spoonful of chocolatey airy goodness just in front of her lips.
“Mmmm, yes, please,” she said, lifting her head just far enough to take the bowl of the spoon in her mouth.
Her shifting caused Morgan’s cock to press harder into her lower back. That combined with the light and fluffy deliciousness of the mousse had her pussy clenching as she gave an appreciative moan.
“Oh. My. God, that’s so good,” she said, shifting her lower body to rub against Morgan’s hard length.