Page 3 of Paddle Bunny
“Why?” The word burst out of her before she could think about what she was saying.
“Because I’d like to talk to you away from the lobby,” he said, looking less angry than before, though she had a feeling that might just be an act for Griffin’s benefit.
Before she could respond, Griffin glanced at the clock across the lobby and said, “Second shift should be here any minute to take over. Then maybe you can get her to do more than walk around the dungeon playing voyeur.”
“Excuse me? I am not a voyeur. I just…” She broke off her protest, snapping her mouth shut when both men looked at her with disapproval. She wanted to argue, but since she had been coming to the club twice a week for the past two months and had yet to participate in a scene, maybe there was something to what Griffin said, though she would be loath to admit it.
“Girl, you need to think about lying before you dig yourself into a deeper hole,” Griffin said before walking back to his post just inside the front door.
That left her once again facing Morgan Seacrest, billionaire, club owner, and sadist-in-resident, as someone had said during her first night at the club. The forgotten source of information had added that Master Morgan, as he was called, also acted as the club’s disciplinarian for the uncollared subs who misbehaved while at the club.
Zoe wondered if invoking a code yellow on the man was cause for a disciplinary session with that same man who was rumored to wield a paddle and a whip like no one else in the club. She’d also been told he enjoyed his duties as the club’s disciplinarian.
Zoe jolted when a warm hand wrapped around her wrist, jerking her focus out of her head and the darkening thoughts forming there and back to the present situation.
“Oh. I’m sorry, sir.”
“You looked like you had fallen down a rabbit hole,” the man said with a small smile. “When you get finished working here, come and find me. We need to talk.”
Zoe sucked in a breath at the warm, melty feeling that took over not only her stomach, but her entire body. It wasn’t just his voice, but also his touch, and the heated look in his eyes that blasted through the protective walls around her heart she hadn’t even realized were there.
“Yes, sir,” she whispered when he raised one eyebrow and squeezed her wrist just a smidge tighter when she did not answer right away.
Though the last thing Morgan wanted to do was walk away from the pretty little volunteer at the front desk, he needed some time to calm the fuck down before she joined him. He would wait for her in the bar so they could talk before moving into the dungeon. While the dungeon was hopping with activity, the bar was nearly empty, with only a couple submissives over on the couch in the corner, no doubt gossiping judging by their giggles.
He wondered if the little volunteer ever joined them. Then his thoughts turned to what it was about her that pulled at him. Which led to wondering if Zoe Love was the little bunny’s real name or not. With Zoe being the Greek word for life, “Live Love” had to either be a joke from her parents, or a pseudonym adopted to maintain anonymity within the club.
He would find that out, and more, before the evening was done. He would also treat her to a short but hopefully effective session for not waiting to learn his name before calling in the troops.
Morgan paused at the entrance to the bar and looked out over the dungeon. From what he could tell, the only thing that had changed during his absence was that a few of the scening stations had been changed around.
Turning, he approached the bar, taking a deep breath to relax his shoulders and the rest of his body. He was home.
“Welcome home, Master Morgan,” Tully Dumont, the bartender, greeted him even as he reached into the cooler and pulled out a bottle of water and a bottle of Morgan’s favorite ale. “What are you drinking tonight?”
“Water for now, please, Tully. I have a subbie to discipline. And since I’ve been gone so long, I’m certain I have more than a few dungeon monitor responsibilities to repay. But keep that beer handy, I’ll want it before the end of the evening.”
Tully laughed as he placed the bottle of water in front of him. The bartender had been with them from nearly opening night and while the big bear of a man identified as a Dominant, he was also the most laid-back, relaxed, happy man Morgan had ever met. Tully did not have a submissive of his own, but played with whoever requested his attention, male or female, though he normally preferred to spend his evenings behind the bar, where he collected secrets and rumors. He also doled out life wisdom and BDSM advice, like the nosy gossip he was. As a private investigator on Towrisea’s payroll, secrets, rumors, and information were his stock and trade.
Morgan opened the bottle of water and drank deeply, suddenly feeling parched. Once the physical thirst was satisfied, he turned and watched for the woman who he hoped would appease his hunger for a subbie to torture with sadistic pleasure.
Chapter Three
By the time Rory returned to the front desk twenty minutes later, Zoe had worked herself into a state of nerves bordering on a full-blown panic attack. A moment later, Megan, one of the other front desk volunteers, walked through the front door, pausing just long enough to greet Griffin before joining them behind the desk.
“Girlfriend, what’s wrong?” Rory said as Zoe continued pacing and worked to take slow, deep breaths.
She looked at him and blinked back the tears that always seemed to accompany these overwhelming mood spikes. “I have to go talk to Master Morgan. I’m certain he’s going to revoke my membership.”
The other two volunteers exchanged a look before they crowded around her, putting her into the middle of a sandwich hug.
“Master Morgan is back?” Megan asked.
“Was that what the code yellow was about? I’m sorry I couldn’t get back out here, but I was a little tied up,” Rory said, causing Zoe to snicker at the irony of his words.
“Yes, Master Morgan is back. And yes, that’s why I hit the code yellow button. Griffin had stepped away from the lobby and this man walked in. He was going to walk by the desk without checking in, so I did the only think I could think of, hit the yellow button.”
“You did the right thing,” Megan assured her. “If I didn’t recognize him, I would have done the same thing. Didn’t he tell you who he was?”