Page 30 of Paddle Bunny
“Tell us,” Zoe said, her voice muffled from where her face was pressed against his chest.
“That’s the problem. We don’t have a name.”
Morgan’s rage ratcheted up another notch. “What do you mean we don’t have a name? How did someone get into the club without signing in? Without being a member?”
“Let’s go inside and Santee can show you on Viking’s big screen,” Bjorn said.
Once they were in the living room, Morgan took the computer and hooked it up to the television. Then he pulled up the video Santee indicated.
Before he ran the video, he looked at Zoe who was sitting on the couch with her arms wrapped around herself. “Are you sure you want to watch this? Maybe you and Roque can go into her playroom for a few minutes.”
Though a little pale, his woman looked pissed, not frightened. “No. I need to see, need to know who wanted to hurt me.”
Turning the computer over to Santee, he sat beside Zoe and wrapped one arm around her. “Run it.”
“As we watched the videos, I noticed this man who seemed to be aimlessly wandering the club. What caught my attention was that he was wearing a mask on a night there was no theme that called for masks,” Santee started the video.
The man she was talking about wandered across the camera’s view. He wore a pair of black jeans, black sneakers, and the mask that covered the upper half of his face. When he turned his back, Morgan noticed the tattoo that covered one shoulder blade.
“Stop,” he ordered then pointed. “Move in and focus on the tattoo on his back.”
Santee hit several keys and a blurry view of man’s back filled the screen. A few more keystrokes and the blurriness cleared up.
“What is that?” Zoe asked, her voice soft and tight with strain.
“It’s a bulldog tattoo. He was a Marine,” Viking answered her. “But how was he taking pictures?”
Santee saved the picture before returning to the original screen and starting the video again, letting it run until he was facing the screen. “Look at his face. He’s wearing glasses over his mask.”
She stopped the video and moved in so they could see his face, and the glasses.
“Are those…?”
“Yes. Those are video camera glasses,” Morgan answered the unfinished question then asked a few of his own. “He was taking video of the club, but why? And why did he single out Zoe? And how did he get into the club if he’s not a member?”
Chapter Eighteen
Zoe stared at the screen as Santee and Morgan changed cameras and began watching the lobby camera that showed each member checking in.
“There he is,” Bjorn said as the masked man walked in with a couple of regulars. “Isn’t that Jesse and Nina with him?”
“Yeah, it is,” Viking said.
She recognized Rory working the front desk by his mop of curly hair. The couple had a short conversation with Rory before the woman took both men’s coats and disappeared into the locker room. The mask man entered the dungeon alone while the Dominant waited for his woman.
When the woman returned, without her coat and shoes, the couple then entered the dungeon.
Santee stopped the video and all eyes turned in their direction. “So, what do we do now?” she asked.
“First, we call Rory and ask him what he remembers. Then we call the couple and ask for the contact information for their guest. Then we go pay the asshole a visit,” Morgan said, sounding like he was ready to go to war.
“Should we call Tully or Griffin to go with us?” Viking asked.
“Good question. Maybe we should call Teresa and check on the legalities, and see what laws the asshole has broken, for surely he’s broken at least a couple,” Morgan said.
“I’ll call her while you guys figure out what to order for dinner,” Bjorn said as he walked into the kitchen.
Zoe felt like she had been scooped up by a tornado and was just waiting to be tossed out and slammed into the ground. She agreed to whatever was asked of her, not caring what she ate, if she ate, because at that moment her stomach felt so queasy she wasn’t sure she could eat anything and keep it down.