Page 72 of Merciless Vows
Ray stops short, his mouth agape in shock. “That is not Alma!”
“Can you say it louder?” Luca hisses. “I don’t believe the neighbors heard.”
“You lied to me. You said Alma. That’s the only fucking reason I agreed to a Di Persia.Alma. Not this fucking hotheaded bitch.” He shakes his head.
“Since when do you make decisions for Luca?” I snarl. “He can choose his own fucking wife.”
“If that’s the case, why isn’t your name on the marriage certificate? Unless…” His already bulging eyes pop out a bit more. “You tricked him. You fucking cunt, you tricked him!”
Luca takes a deep breath. “This is not the time or place. We will discuss it later.”
His uncle side-glances the room he just came out of. Then, pointing to me, he whisper-yells, “This is a fucking problem.”
“Only if you make it one.” Luca’s tone is calm, yet I’m fully aware he’s anything but.
“What you’ve done out here… It’s unacceptable. You’ve single-handedly given those men a reason to doubt your abilities. Because of this woman you can’t control!” Ray spits as he says it, and I cringe. Then to me, he adds, “Pack your shit and get the fuck out.”
“I have no shit to pack,” I tell him with a shrug.
“Go upstairs,” Luca orders. When I don’t move fast enough, he turns to me. “Can you fucking listen for once?”
At this, his uncle snorts. “You can’t train that bitch.”
I bristle at his words, not sure if I’m more offended for me or Luca. That part of me that hates to do what it’s told screams in protest when I dip my chin. “I’ll be upstairs.”
Ray sees this as more of an act of defiance than if I had stood here and engaged in a shouting match. Rage turning his already tanned complexion a deep shade of red, he lunges for me.
I barely have time to flinch before Luca is on him. He rams his uncle, who probably outweighs him by a hundred pounds, into the thick balustrade.
His large hand wraps around his fat neck as he pins him to it. “You ever think about touching her again, I will forget you’re my blood.”
The older man reaches behind him in an attempt to squeeze his hand between his lower back and the wood he’s been secured to. “Ungrateful boy.I made you.”
“You made nothing!” Luca roars. “I earned my position long before you decided you wanted me in it. You either fall in line with the rest of them, or get the fuck out.”
This is when I notice the men spilling from the study, watching, processing the scene. But not one of them, not even Gunn, comes closer. They will not interfere.
Ray’s lips pull into a tight line as he struggles to rein in his temper. But in the end, he nods.
“I’d like a word with you in private afterward,” he says, this time more calmly.
Luca releases him, then turns to the men. “It took all of our syndicates to eliminate Stephen Black. Knowing who the new Ferryman is doesn’t make him any less dangerous or powerful. You want help getting your city back from Gideon, this is your chance. Otherwise, you’re on your own. You have two days.”
“That girl is a business risk, Luca,” Uncle Ray says. “This marriage was supposed to be strategic. And that strategy did not involve Carina Di Persia. The way you behaved today is an embarrassment to the Sinacore name.”
I open the front door, an indication to my uncle that I’m no longer enjoying his presence. It’s been thirty minutes since the other men left, and he’s not progressed past the shame I brought to my position.
To an extent, he’s right.
It’s not that I fucked Carina on the stairs just outside the dining room for all to hear. They don’t give a shit about things they see every day. It was that I left an important meeting to do it. Ruled by my own fucking cock. When she walked in wearing my dress shirt and red lipstick, all my blood drained from my brain and rocketed straight to my dick.
If this risks any alliance we could have formed, there’s nothing I can do about it now. What’s done is done.
“Carina is the reason we know anything at all about the Ferryman,” I remind my uncle. “Since you’ve proven to be of no use to me in that matter, and you are in fact the target, I’d sayyoupose a bigger risk to the Sinacores.”