Page 105 of Risky Proposal
“Dad used to drive us about two hours away to watch truck pulls and shit like that. I’d love to take my boy to those. Hell, I’d like to go.”
Everyone chuckled, but it was Jax who spoke. “Agree with that, brother.”
“You know what Bianco bid?”
“Hundred k.” Kyle spoke.
Ben whistled. “How many acres? Ten?”
“Almost eleven.”
“So I gotta come out over a hundred.”
“You know anyone on the council?” Jax asked.
Ben snorted out a laugh. “I know every fucking member of the town council, brother, and the ones I don’t know, Dad does.”
Striker chuckled this time, which shocked the hell out of me. “Not surprised.”
“Gotta talk to Jake and work the numbers, but if I can swing it, I’ll present it to them tomorrow.”
“Appreciate it, brother,” Bear replied. “Owe you.”
“You don’t,” Ben responded. “But Becs does.”
We all looked at each other. He had no idea that Becs was at the heart of this. He couldn’t. When it was quiet a moment, I spoke. “Why Becs?”
“She owes Charlie a visit. She’s been waiting to meet Wyatt, and she’s getting inpatient.”
We all laughed, and I shifted my attention to Becs, who was smiling and finally spoke. “I’ll call her and set something up.”
“Good.” We heard a door slam. “I’ll get back to you tomorrow.”
“Why the hell are you at my house on a Sunday morning?”
We all laughed again when we heard Jake’s voice distantly, but it was Ben who spoke. “I’ll meet with Jake now and be in touch.”
Nobody said good-bye, but it was obvious Ben had ended the call. Jax faced the room before standing. “Looks like we have a plan. If Ben can make that work, I know he will.”
“Me too,” I agreed and stood along with everyone else.
“You’ll likely get that call before us, considering you’ll see him first thing tomorrow. Keep us updated.”
I nodded. “Will do.”
Turning, I faced Becs while the guys filed out, but before I could say anything, she did. “I’m gonna go pick up Wyatt.”
Reaching out, I wrapped my hand around her wrist, but before I could ask her to come back to Bear’s with me to talk, she pulled her wrist free and headed toward the door.
I met Kyle’s eyes, and he grinned. “Good luck, brother.”
Snorting out a laugh, I turned and followed her outside. I wasn’t giving up that easily. I knew she was pissed that we didn’t just tell her we knew, but that wasn’t going to stop me from trying to explain.
I was on my bike and heading to the clubhouse within minutes. Bear turned toward the street where Josie lived, and I knew he was going to do yet another drive-by to check that everything was quiet for her. He was worried that the Widows were too quiet, but more than that, I think he just needed to have eyes on her. He gave her up, and it wasn’t a decision I was sure I could’ve made, but I respected him for it.
Pulling in behind Becs, I parked and jumped from my bike when she slammed her Jeep door closed and headed toward the front door of the clubhouse. She was moving quickly, trying her best to avoid me, but I wasn’t letting that happen. I spent too many months away from her to sacrifice more.
She just cleared the door when I stepped in behind her. It was quiet at the clubhouse today, which wasn’t a surprise being a Sunday, so I wasn’t afraid of having an audience. Reaching down, I wrapped my hand around hers and tugged her beside me.