Page 108 of Risky Proposal
“I don’t understand.”
“This is where I come in.” Cole spoke for the first time. “I’m a mechanic and own a garage in Cranberry.”
Jake pointed at Cole. “We had the idea that Cole could become an investor. It’s a great way to advertise, but more than that, it gave us the credibility we needed because of his experience.”
Ben stepped forward. “The truth is, we were trying to think of everything, so when we presented our proposal, we were prepared for any questions.”
“Did it work?”
“It looks good, brother.” Ben smiled. “Talked with a buddy of mine this afternoon. He seemed to think they loved the idea. They have a scheduled meeting on Wednesday and will make their final decision then, but they did allude to the fact that they’d rather have people from New Hope develop that property.”
“I’m assuming this means the Sinners won’t be offered the chance to buy the property from you?”
“No.” Ben frowned. “I know you were interested in that, but I don’t think it’s doable.” Ben held up his finger when I was going to argue, but I stopped. “Hear me out?” When I nodded, he continued. “If we get the property, we’d like to offer you the chance to be an investor. Dimarco Construction, your club, and Cole’s garage would be equal partners. We’d all put up fifty thousand dollars and then work together to develop it.”
“How would that work?”
“We’ll take care of the upfront costs, and you’ll pay us your portions. We’ll have a contract drawn up detailing what we’re all responsible for. We”—he gestured back and forth between himself and Jake—“are obviously interested in building the hotel and staffing it. This should generate business for Cole, who doesn’t want anything to do with the race cars or track but is in it more for the advertising. We’ll send people who need work done to him, and we’ll split all the profits equally.”
“I’d be a very silent investor.” Cole grinned. “I don’t have time to do more than invest to be honest. If this works out, and I get new customers, I’ll have to hire, so if you’re concerned that I would be involved in the track itself, don’t worry about that. I’m already working more hours than I have in a day.”
I jerked up my chin in his direction before facing Ben and Jake. “So the club would handle the track?”
“And the scheduling and the car builds. Pretty much anything that has to do with racing would be your responsibility,” Jake said.
“Yeah,” Ben agreed. “If we all want to profit from this and make it a big part of the community, the only way I see that being a possibility is working together.”
“I’ll have to meet with the guys,” I replied honestly. “If it were up to me, I’d agree. I like this idea.”
“But…” Jake prompted, and I grinned.
I crossed my arms over my chest. “MC’s aren’t known for working with outsiders. I’m not sure how this will go over.”
“You aren’t a traditional club,” Jake reminded me.
“When can you meet with the members?” Ben asked.
“Probably as soon as I leave here. They were just as anxious as I was to hear what you decided.”
“Alright.” Ben looked around the room. “Just call me and let me know what happens. Either way, we’re moving forward, considering we already presented it. If they accept, and you guys aren’t interested, you’re under no obligation, but we all think it could be a hell of a partnership.”
“Lots of ego.” I grinned. “Think everyone can play nice?”
Jake laughed. “No fucking chance, but it’ll be fun as hell.”
I snorted out a laugh and gestured toward Jax. “Thought you were here because Elite wants in.”
“Nope. Just don’t like to be left out.”
We all laughed when he shrugged, but I knew better. He was playing it off. However, I knew he was concerned that the ground would fall into the wrong hands. It was nice knowing none of these men considered the Sinners to be the wrong hands.
Shaking my head, I moved backward toward the door. “I’m gonna head out. I’ll let you know tonight what we decide.”
“If they have any questions, just call me,” Ben called out when I opened the door.
“You got it,” I replied before leaving the office. I was texting Bear while I made my way back to the truck, and I had only just gotten in when he texted me that we’d have church as soon as I got there.