Page 114 of Risky Proposal
I tilted my cup toward him. “Learned from the best.”
“That bein’ said, I still don’t want you involved in club business.” I opened my mouth to protest, but he held up his hand. “Let me finish.” When I nodded, he continued. “You’ve got a son to protect. Your days of lookin’ after me are over. You take care of him and let me worry about myself and the club.” He gestured toward Race. “Seems you two have figured out your shit, considering you’ve been sleeping in my fucking house since you got back”—I grinned when Race chuckled—“so I know you’re safe. That’s all I ever wanted to be sure of, Becs. I never wanted my shit to touch you.”
“I know that.”
He crossed his arms over his chest and I knew this conversation was over. Bear wasn’t going to give much on how involved I could be, but it did seem like he was going to take a back seat and let Race decide what he shared with me.
Bear shifted his attention from me to Race. “How’d it go?”
I peeked up at Race, but when he was silent, I sighed. “He wants to know how, whatever the hell you were doing at one in the morning, went.”
Race shared a grin with Bear before looking at me. “How’d you know?”
“Got up to use the bathroom and heard you pull in.”
Race turned slightly and rested his hip against the counter. “Ritz texted me. Said Bianco was at Crush so I took a ride.”
“For a chat?” I asked sarcastically.
Race snorted out a laugh. “Something like that.”
“And…” Bear gestured for him to continue.
With a sigh, Race put his cup on the counter. “I explained what would happen if he didn’t leave Becs alone.”
I lifted my eyebrows. “What will happen?”
Race shrugged a shoulder. “I may have insinuated that we had some shit on him. Enough to put him behind bars. He believed me and said he was out. Didn’t care that much about the deal. Only saw it as a money opportunity, but he did say we have some pretty powerful enemies.”
Bear’s eyebrows drew down. “Manny?”
“Maybe, yeah, but I got the impression there are more than just him.”
Bear ran his hand through his hair. “This is so fucked up.” He shifted his eyes to me. “You think Bianco will still mess with you?”
I considered that but then shook my head. “Nah. He doesn’t want me, and he doesn’t want Wyatt. He was just using me to make money. All Sal cares about is money. With the potential for him to make any off the table, I think he’ll move on.” I took a longer drink of my coffee before finishing. “He also would never want to ruin his reputation or lose the ties he has with the rich around here by going to jail. Especially if the reason was extortion and involved the club.” I shrugged. “Sal always thought he was above the club. I’d be surprised if he wanted anyone to know he ever associated with anyone in it in any way.” I pointed at my chest. “Including me.”
“Well…” Bear leaned his elbows on the counter. “At least we eliminated one threat.”
“This turned out better than it could’ve, brother.”
Race reminded him and after a moment, he jerked up his chin. “I’m going to shower. I’m plannin’ to take some of my shit with me, assuming you’re staying here.”
Race grinned. “That’s up to your sister.”
Smiling, I watched Bear stand and start toward the stairs, but not before he grumbled, “You’re stayin’.”
Laughing, I turned to face Race. He lifted his hand and tucked a piece of hair behind my ear. “Am I stayin’?”
“I don’t know,” I tried to say with a straight face. “I’m pretty pissed you lied to me.”
“Didn’t lie to you,” he pointed out. “Just haven’t had a chance to tell you yet.”
I tilted my head to the side and glared at him. “You could’ve woken me up.”
He leaned down and put his face close to mine. “If I’d done that, I never would’ve left. I already had to force myself, knowing you were lying beside me naked.”
I rolled my eyes. “Being sexy isn’t going to get you off the hook.”