Page 19 of Risky Proposal
I dropped my eyes, hating what I was about to admit, but I needed to. It felt good to talk about this shit, and there was no one else in the world I wanted to share it with. “Dad got greedy. It’s that simple. Figured if I could steal those cars, his reputation would grow. He wanted the money and the power that brought.”
“You didn’t?” she asked.
Lifting my eyes, I stared at our hands, dangling off the edge of the counter together. Without thought, I wrapped my fingers around hers and brushed my thumb over hers. Staring at our linked fingers, I answered her question. “Nah. I did it for the adrenaline rush. I did it to have the parts I needed for the race cars I was building. That was what I loved. Racing those fucking cars was the biggest thrill of my life, but we couldn’t afford them if I didn’t do my job, so I did it. And I did it really fucking well.”
She tilted her head to the side. “Is that how you got your nickname?”
“Yeah, my dad gave it to me. We were working a job, and he pointed at a car, basically asking me if it would be good for racing, and called out, ’Race.’ It just stuck after that.”
“He liked that you wanted to race cars?”
“He loved it.” I huffed out a laugh. “And as messed up as it was, he was trying to help me get my dream off the ground.”
“I didn’t know that,” she said quietly.
Lifting my head, I finally met her eyes. “Only a couple of people do.”
Her eyebrows pulled together. “Then why are you telling me?”
There were a dozen reasons I was telling her, but most of them were things I wasn’t ready to admit. “Just so you know there are very real consequences to living your life on the edge.”
“Oh. This is a lesson.” She shook her head and pulled her fingers from mine. “I should’ve guessed that.”
“Not a lesson,” I corrected her, standing when she did. “Just pointing out that the lifestyles we’ve both led have consequences.”
Her chin shot up, and I recognized the stubborn tilt. “Mine hasn’t.”
I glanced down at her protruding belly before meeting her stare again. “That baby planned?”
“Maybe it was.” She took a few steps back. “And why do you care?”
There was no good way to answer that. I cared too fucking much, but I’d kept that to myself for a very long time, and I still wasn’t ready to admit it. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
She laughed abruptly. “Why? Because of who my brother is? You can stop kissing his ass, Race. He already likes you. You wouldn’t have the security code to his townhouse if he didn’t.”
She started moving away, but I reached out and wrapped my hand around her arm. “Not doing it for Bear.”
I only admitted that because I wanted to erase the hurt look in her eyes. The look I was responsible for and I hadn’t meant to do that, but I knew she hadn’t planned her pregnancy, and I also knew she held a lot of guilt because she was partying hard before she found out she was pregnant. Bear had confided in me when he asked me to keep an eye on her, and I wasn’t using that information against her. I just wanted to save her from going down the same damn road I did.
“I don’t believe you.” She shook off my hand and breathed in deeply before exhaling. “And I don’t care what you think of me.” She laid one hand on her belly and gestured toward the door with the other. “I’m going to bed, so lock the door on your way out.”
“I didn’t mean to piss you off.”
“You didn’t.” She shook her head and took a few steps back. “You don’t mean enough to me to piss me off.”
That was a lie, and one she wasn’t telling very well. It wasn’t hard to see there was a pull between us. The MC members saw it and called me out on it all the time. I denied it. I’d been denying it for years, and the fact that she got her back up anytime I was around told me she was denying it too.
I took a few steps closer, ignoring the voice inside my head warning me not to do what I was about to do. “That’s a lie.” My eyes flicked back and forth between hers. “And one we’ve both been tellin’.”
She swallowed hard when I took another step, putting us close enough that she had to tilt her head back slightly to look into my eyes. “I don’t lie.”
Grinning, I reached out and ran my fingertips over the tips of her long black hair hanging along her arm. I loved the fire in her. Most of the time, I purposely provoked it by saying shit that would piss her off just so I could bask in it, and right now was no different. “I know that’s not true.”
Her eyes flashed, and I waited for it, almost craved the argument after I shared so much. “You don’t know me well enough to know if that’s true.”
I took a few steps forward, fire racing through me when she shifted and pressed her lower back against the edge of the island. Laying my hands on the counter’s edge, I leaned my body into hers. “I know you.” Dropping my head, I placed my lips next to her ear, and my cock began to harden. Fuck, she was intoxicating to the point of distraction. Being this close, I forgot all my reasons for avoiding her and thought only about how to get closer. “I’ve been watching you. I can’t stop myself from watching you, no matter how much I work myself into fucking exhaustion.”
She laid her hands on my chest, but she didn’t push me away as I suspected. Instead, she tilted her head slightly to the side. I knew instantly what she wanted and didn’t hesitate. Wrapping my lips around her earlobe, I sucked it into my mouth. She moaned softly, and I dropped my hands to lay against her hips. Releasing her earlobe, I ran my tongue down the side of her neck and pressed my hard cock against her, but it wasn’t close enough. Running my hand over her hip, I trailed it over the back of her thigh before wrapping my hand around her leg and lifting it, situating my cock right against her heat. Groaning simultaneously, I rocked against her until she bunched my shirt in her hands and pulled me tighter against her. Panting against her neck, I tried to find the control I’d had for so many years, but it was gone. I’d shared too much, gotten too close, and I knew without a fucking doubt there was no going back. Kissing my way back up her neck, I’d just rounded her jaw when I heard the roar of a bike.