Page 26 of Risky Proposal
“I’m not afraid,” she whispered.
“Yes, you are.” I lowered my head until my lips hovered just above hers. “We both are.”
Just like that, her expression changed, and I had a feeling I wasn’t going to like what she had to say next, but that was too fucking bad because I had her right where I wanted her.
And I had no plans to move away.
“I know him.”
My eyebrows drew together. “Who?”
“The guy in the sports car.”
I knew what she was doing. This was what she always did and not just with me. When shit got too real for Becs, when she felt too vulnerable, she either made a scene or found a way to change the subject. She was baiting me, and it worked just like every other time.
“How the fuck do you know a guy like him?”
She took a few steps to the side to put distance between us, and I dropped my hand. “Met him a few years ago.” She tilted her head. “Don’t worry, Race, I’ll make sure Bear knows you did a good job and showed him that I’m a part of this club and therefore off-limits.” When I didn’t respond, she crossed her arms over her chest and continued. “I mean, that is why you put your hand on my leg, right?”
I should’ve just agreed with her and ended this. I should’ve warned her about guys like him, what they want, and what they’ll do to get it. I should’ve done a lot of things, but I made a choice in the moment that I couldn’t take back.
And I didn’t want to.
I was so fucking tired of this game.
Shifting, I moved to once again stand in front of her, forcing her to drop her arms. I placed my hands on the counter on either side of her hips and enjoyed the rush when she gave me the space I needed to press my body right against hers. “That the kind of guy you like? A prick in a fancy suit and a hundred-thousand-dollar car?”
She dropped her head back and stared up at me. She was tall, probably five eight or five nine, which I fucking loved. I still had a good four or five inches on her, but I loved that I didn’t have to bend down to get close to her. I could tell by her silence that my reaction was throwing her off her game. Years ago, I’d get pissed and argue with her, then I learned that only made me feel like a dick so I started walking away when she would begin these bullshit games, like bringing up that douche. Tonight, I wasn’t doing either of those things, and she didn’t know how to handle that.
“Isn’t that what most girls want?”
“Maybe.” I shifted and dropped my face closer to hers. “But not you.” I leaned in closer until our lips were inches apart. Jealousy was driving me, and the impulsiveness I tried to keep a hold on was pushing through. “Know you like a guy who doesn’t mind getting his hands dirty.”
“That’s not what I want.”
“You’re only saying that to piss me off, but I’m done playing that fucking game. I’m done ignoring what’s between us. You feel it. I know you do, but the minute shit gets real, you start running.”
Her head snapped back, and she narrowed her eyes. “I’m not the one running.”
Lifting my hand, I ran my palm over the smooth skin of her bare arm and grinned when she shivered. “Didn’t say you were the only one. I was runnin’ too. Too damn afraid of being dragged back into the world I fought so hard to get out of. Convinced myself I’d want to be back there and I’d want to take you with me. Decided to give you up before I destroyed you.”
Her eyes flared. “I’d never let you destroy me.”
I ran my fingertips along the edges of her silky hair. “You wouldn’t have had a choice, sweetheart. That world I lived in for so long pulls you in by giving you a taste of life without limitations, without boundaries, gives you the freedom to be wild and live on the edge, everything that calls out to people like us. I gave up everything when I walked away so it couldn’t drag me back. Then I met you.” I laid my hand on her cheek. “You smiled at me and all the fucking feelings I buried to break free of that life rushed back to the surface. Had no choice but to walk away again. It was the only way I survived those feelings the first time.”
“What changed?” she whispered.
“Your pull is a hell of a lot stronger than anything I faced before. No matter what I do, I can’t stay away from you.” I dropped my forehead to hers. “And I don’t want to anymore.”
She blinked slowly and then pressed her hands to my chest and pushed until I took a step back. “I don’t want that.” She swallowed hard. “I’m not gonna lie, I did at one time, but things are different now. Too much time has gone by—”
“Wasted time. Time we should’ve been talking instead of fighting.” I interrupted, suddenly feeling desperate. My gut told me I was losing her. I wanted to ignore it, believe it was wrong, but the look on her face proved it.
“Still,” She shrugged. “I have other things to worry about now.” She put her hand on her stomach.
Pride could be an amazing thing. It could make a man a better person. It could drive a man to accomplish more than he ever thought possible.
But it could also be a man’s downfall.