Page 30 of Risky Proposal
“Yeah.” I had gone, but only to a few before Josie was attacked. After that, I didn’t go back, but I didn’t have time to tell her all of that before another pain seared through me.
“Okay, then breathe with me, and I’ll count.”
“Okay.” I panted, calmed by her voice and the fact that she seemed to know what to do.
It wasn’t long before I was being loaded into an ambulance and heading to the hospital. Josie agreed to ride with me, which was comforting, but it didn’t stop the thoughts torturing me.
I was about to have a baby, and I was completely alone.
Chapter 10
Putting the truck in park, I stared at the space in front of me. It wasn’t anything more than an empty lot right now, but it was mine. I officially planned to put down roots in New Hope, so I signed the paperwork a week ago. A place only ten years ago I would’ve never settled because I would’ve hated how slow time seemed to move here. I’d lived a fast-paced life for so long, and the idea of anything else used to sound like hell, but it didn’t anymore. Buying this piece of ground felt right, and with any luck at all, I’d be breaking ground soon and building a house on this property.
When visions of Becs trickled through my mind, I thought back to the day I signed the papers. When the lady at the bank handed me the pen, I wasn’t sure I was ready to make the commitment, but then I thought of Becs, and I knew without a doubt that I was making the right decision.
When my phone vibrated, I pulled it from the front pocket of my jeans and frowned when I saw Bear’s name. I didn’t want to explain why I wasn’t at the party. I should be. I was a part of the club, and I should’ve been there to welcome a new member, but I just couldn’t do it.
There were a lot of reasons.
His sister being the biggest one.
I couldn’t ignore him, though, in case he needed me to pick up Becs. Even though I had only dropped her off about a half an hour ago, she seemed tired, so maybe she was ready to go home.
Accepting the call, I lifted the phone to my ear. “Yeah?”
“Race,” Bear said, but his tone was low.
I recognized the urgency in his voice, and I immediately sat up taller. “What’s going on?”
“Had to call an ambulance for Becs. We just got to the hospital.”
Panic ripped through me at the thought of Becs going to the hospital, and I wanted to know what the hell happened, but there wasn’t time for questions. “On my way.”
Shoving my phone in my pocket, I threw my truck in drive and tore through the open field until I was back on the road. It was at least fifteen minutes from my land to the hospital, but I made it there in less than ten. After parking my truck, I ran across the parking lot and through the doors to the emergency room.
Glancing around the waiting room, I watched Bear move quickly toward me. “What the hell happened?”
“Doctor came out and said she’s in labor. That’s all I know.”
“He didn’t say more?” I asked.
“No.” Bear ran his hand through his hair.
I started past Bear, and he grabbed my arm. “Where are you going?”
“I’m getting in that room with her.”
“She doesn’t want anyone in the room with her. She already told the nurses that.”
I narrowed my eyes. “She shouldn’t be alone, brother.”
Bear studied me for a moment, but nodded and followed me to the nurse’s desk. The nurse barely lifted her head before I spoke.
“I’m with Rebecca Pierce.”
She glanced between Bear and me. “Are you a relative?”