Page 42 of Risky Proposal
“Not a good idea,” Bear growled.
Josie ignored my brother. “We’ll need a ride home.”
I always loved to push Bear’s buttons, but lately, I hadn’t been. Tonight, thanks to the alcohol, the old Becs was coming back. “I’ll make sure you get home,” I called out.
“I drove you here,” Josie pointed out.
“Oh yeah.” I frowned. “I forgot.”
Bull snorted. “If you’re hell-bent on doin’ this, let’s get goin’.”
Bear leaned down on his forearms and put his face close to Josie’s. “You’re not doing this.”
Josie studied him for a moment before replying. “Who’s pouring?”
“Oh shit,” Race said and I quickly glanced at him.
“What?” I asked.
“You know your brother.” He raised his eyebrows. “You think this is gonna end well?”
Lifting my glass, I held it against my lip but grinned before I took a drink. “Depends on your idea of ending well.”
His eyes held mine, and heat rushed through my body while catcalls sounded behind us. For a moment, we were the only two people in the room. I wondered if he felt the same tremendous heat I was or if he was just playing along. Suddenly, I wanted to find out.
I finished my drink in one swallow and celebrated my weightlessness. Setting the glass on the bar, I slid my body on the stool until my knee brushed his thigh. He shifted until he was standing between my spread legs.
Reaching up, I grabbed a fistful of his T-shirt and tugged until he leaned down. He wrapped his hands around the edges of the stool and put his face close to mine. Grinning, I looked into his eyes. “What’s a good ending to you?”
A grin pulled at his lips while he watched me. This was a different side of Race. I expected him to pull back, but instead, he stayed close. I stared at his lips, hoping he would close the small distance between us, but he didn’t. He didn’t back up, either.
Goose bumps broke out along my arms when his deep voice rumbled, “You ready to go?”
I hadn’t expected an answer at all, let alone the one he gave. And how could such an innocent statement sound so intimate?
“Yeah,” I replied without hesitation.
I moved from my seat and looked at the gifts stacked on the back wall. He laid his hand against my upper back. “We’ll get them tomorrow.”
We moved quickly down the hallway and out the side door. No one even noticed. They were all wrapped up in each other by that point. When I saw his truck, I frowned. “No bike?”
He snickered. “Figured you’d be too drunk to ride on it when I took you home.”
“How’d you know I wasn’t gonna ask someone else to take me home?”
When he pulled open the passenger door to his truck and gestured for me to get in, I assumed he would ignore my flirty comment. But he leaned in, putting his face close to mine. “I wouldn’t have let that happen.”
Chapter 14
I slammed the truck door and walked around the front, trying to calm my ass down. I would need just about every fucking ounce of willpower to keep my hands off her. I hadn’t done a good job of that tonight. I was trying to give her the space she needed, but I was tired of fighting this draw, and watching her laugh and joke with everyone when she hasn’t in so long did me in.
I jumped in the truck and started it up, hauling ass out of the parking lot as quickly as I could. I had the need to go fast, to do something reckless, and as soon as I made sure she was safely locked inside Bear’s townhouse, I was going to find a field and do just that.
I wasn’t paying attention and missed that Becs had put her window down until I saw her take off her seat belt and crawl to her knees. She put her head out and threw her arms in the air, yelling into the blackness that surrounded the clubhouse. All that did was make me want to go faster.