Page 44 of Risky Proposal
Her eyebrows shot up, and her grin slowly died. “You’re leaving?”
“Told you I’m not doin’ this.”
Hurt flashed across her face, but this time, it turned to anger, which I expected. What I didn’t expect was for her to lean to the left and pull her phone from her back pocket. “Well, I am.”
She began tapping on her phone, and I took a few steps toward her, only then noticing she was texting. Looking closer, I saw the name Sal. “Who the hell are you texting?”
“None of your business.” She glanced at me. “Get out.”
Suddenly angry, I grabbed her phone and threw it behind me, where it landed with a thud on the couch. Her face filled with anger, and she moved to jump down from the counter, but I blocked her.
“Who the fuck was that?”
“Someone who never says I’m not doin’ this.” She threw my words back in my face with a smile.
“He’s someone you use to get off.” I sneered, jealous and pissed that she was so easily going to finish what we started with someone else.
She lifted her hands, palms up. “A girl’s gotta get off sometimes.”
My eyes flicked back and forth between hers. “You have someone on speed dial for that? Who is he?” Then something occurred to me. “He the guy in the Ferrari?”
“Just get out.” She gestured toward the door. “We’re done here.”
“We’re far from done, Becs,” I said calmly, which seemed to piss her off more.
“What the hell is your problem?” she yelled.
I pressed my palms flat against the counter on either side of her thighs and leaned in. “I’m not letting you do something you’ll regret.”
“I have a lot of regrets, Race, but this won’t be one.” She leaned forward. “I never regret having a good time.”
“You won’t feel that way when you sober up,” I said quietly. “You’ll feel like shit. I’m not letting you do one more thing you’ll beat yourself up over.”
Her gaze held mine, both of us barely holding our anger at bay. This was us. This was exactly what I was used to, and I fucking hated it. We were falling into our old pattern, and it wasn’t what either of us wanted. Still, she was too drunk to reason with, and I wasn’t doing something she’d hate me for tomorrow, so we were at a crossroads. “Just get out.”
It was only then that I saw the sadness beneath her anger, beneath all the bravado. She tried to hide it by turning her head, but I saw it, and it tore me apart. Lifting my hand, I wrapped it around the side of her neck and rubbed my thumb along her bottom lip.
She shook her head but still wouldn’t meet my eyes when she spoke. “I really need you to leave.”
Her voice held nothing but defeat, and I wanted to tell her she was wrong. I do care about her and love her, but as much as I wanted that, I couldn’t utter a single word.
But I also couldn’t leave her.
I gestured behind me. “I’m gonna sleep on the couch until Bear gets home.”
“I don’t need you here, Race,” she bit out.
Using my thumb, I turned her head so I could look into her eyes. “I need to be here for myself.”
After a short moment, she nodded and put her palms flat on the counter. I stepped back while she jumped down and turned toward the stairs. She didn’t look back. She didn’t get her phone. She just climbed those stairs.
And I wrapped my hand around the counter to keep myself from following her.
Chapter 15
With one hand rubbing my forehead, I sat down and wrapped the other around Wyatt’s tiny fist. I woke this morning with a pounding headache, a few flashes of memories from the night before, and an intense need to see my son. So I showered, drank about a gallon of water, took some headache medicine, and drove to the hospital.