Page 64 of Risky Proposal
After throwing the washcloth in the hamper, I climbed back in bed and wrapped my arms around her, sighing contentedly when she snuggled in tighter against my chest. With her warm body against mine, it wasn’t long before I drifted off.
Waking, I blinked my eyes open and looked down at Becs, who was still curled against my side. When my phone beeped again, I realized what had woken me and slowly pulled my arm from under her head. Pushing to sit on the edge of the bed, I reached down and grabbed my jeans from the floor, yanking my phone from the pocket.
I read the text twice before the force of the words slammed into me.
Theo: Your dad’s in the hospital.
I closed my eyes and let that wash over me. I had two choices. I could reply and get caught up in my dad’s fucking drama or I could just ignore it. I’d been ignoring him for years. Nothing was stopping me from just putting my phone back in my pocket, lying down with the woman I finally had tucked in beside me, and never thinking about it again.
But I couldn’t. He was my father, and no matter how he lived his life, he was always there for me.
Me: What happened?
It only took a moment for Uncle Theo to reply.
Theo: He was attacked. Stabbed nine times.
Me: Chances?
Theo: Doctor just came out and told me he’d pull through.
That was good news. But it wasn’t the reason my uncle Theo was texting me at four in the morning. Something bigger was going on.
Me: What’s going on?
There was a delay, and I knew Uncle Theo was trying to decide how much to put on me. He hated how I grew up. Out of everyone in my family, Uncle Theo was the only one who walked the straight path. He wanted me to leave after I was released. He encouraged me to start over and find a safe way to live, so I knew without a doubt that he wouldn’t contact me if it was something he could handle.
Uncle Theo: He has some outstanding debts. There are warnings.
Of course he does. Sighing, I ran my hand over my short hair and glanced at Becs sleeping behind me. She looked so peaceful and beautiful. I ran my finger over the soft skin of her shoulder and felt my stomach drop. I had to go back. I had to see what the hell he’d gotten himself wrapped up in to make sure it didn’t have any blowback on me. Because if it did, that meant it could affect Becs, and my past would never touch Becs.
Turning back, I stared at the darkness outside and sighed. I was finally right where I wanted to be, and there was a good chance I’d be blowing it by leaving, but what choice did I have?
Me: I’ll get the first flight out.
Uncle Theo: Thanks, kid.
I pulled up the flight schedules and found one leaving right around lunchtime. That would give me just enough time to grab some shit from the clubhouse and make it to the airport. I bought the ticket quickly, stood, and grabbed my jeans before pulling them on. Leaning down, I laid my lips against her forehead and felt her stir. I didn’t want her to wake, didn’t want to share that I was heading home to fix my dad’s fuckup, so I shoved my phone in my pocket and quietly left the room. I just as quietly slipped into Wyatt’s room, leaned over the crib, and kissed his little forehead.
With one last look, I left his room and jogged down the stairs. I hated that I was leaving like this, but with any luck at all, I’d be back in a few days. I grabbed a piece of paper and a pen before scribbling a note. It wasn’t enough of an explanation, and I owed her so much more, but I wasn’t going to wake her when I still had no idea how much to share.
But I couldn’t leave without saying anything.
I was out the door and heading toward the clubhouse when I pulled my phone from my pocket and called Bear.
“Yeah?” he said, his voice groggy.
“You at the clubhouse?”
“Yeah,” he growled. “Everything okay?”
“Need to talk to you. I’m on my way there now.”
“She’s fine. Wyatt’s fine. Be there in five.”
When I heard dead air, I shoved my phone back into my pocket, driving quickly on the deserted road until I pulled into the parking lot and hopped out. I unlocked the front door and had just stepped inside when Bear turned the corner from the hallway leading to his office.