Page 68 of Risky Proposal
“For you.”
I snorted. “That’s a lie, Sal. You don’t do anything that doesn’t benefit you.”
He laughed. “Gotta go, babe. I’ll see you soon.”
“Sal,” I called out, but it was too late. He’d already hung up.
With dread filling my stomach, I stared at my phone. Bear didn’t know about Sal. I’d made sure of that. Not only because he wouldn’t like him, but because in my gut, I always knew that he was into some shady stuff and Bear was trying to keep the club clean. I didn’t want my choices screwing with his efforts. If I’d been smart, I would’ve never started things up with Sal, but at the time, I was pissed and that drove me to do things I didn’t think through.
Those choices were coming back to bite me.
And I was afraid the club wasn’t too far behind.
Chapter 23
Cursing under my breath, I waited for Wyatt to cry seconds after the doorbell rang, but relief flooded me when he slept through it. Hurrying to the door, I flung it open just as the person on the other side lifted his fist to knock or at least that was what I assumed from his stance.
My eyes shifted from that fist to the dark-brown eyes I knew so well, and my shoulders stiffened, but I barely had time to acknowledge him before he spoke. “There she is.”
With wide eyes, I looked around his shoulder toward the road to make sure my brother was nowhere in sight. “What the hell are you doing here, Sal?”
He leaned his shoulder against the doorjamb and smirked. “Told you I’d be stopping by.”
He laid his hand against my hips, but I shoved it away, which only made him laugh. “That was weeks ago. How did you know I was here?”
“Wasn’t that hard to figure out when you weren’t at your old place.”
He pushed past me and walked inside, causing me to close my eyes and take a deep breath before turning to see him walking around the living room. “You need to go. Now.”
He sat on the couch and stretched his arms across the back. “But I just got here.”
Closing the door, I glanced toward the stairs leading up to Wyatt’s room before crossing the room. “If Bear comes home and finds you here, he’ll kick your ass.”
He chuckled. “He can try.”
Rubbing my fingertips over my forehead, I tried to imagine why he would be here. Sal wasn’t the type of man interested in being a father, but he was the kind of man who would use anyone or anything for his benefit. “You’re not getting Wyatt.”
He lifted his eyebrows, and I waited to see his reaction. I was purposely trying to provoke him, but his neutral expression told me without words that he wasn’t here for Wyatt, but he was here for something. “Did your boyfriend help you pick out my son’s name?”
Confused, I leaned my hip against the chair across from him. “What’s going on, Sal?”
“Just wanna know about the people in my kid’s life.”
“Your kid?” I scoffed. “You said you didn’t want to be a parent.”
“Maybe I changed my mind.” He sat forward and leaned his elbows on his knees. “That’s my right.”
I shook my head. “That doesn’t fit the man I know you are.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I watched him closely while I spoke. “What’s in it for you?”
He smirked. “Always so cynical.”
“What’s in it for you?” I repeated, not swayed at all by his attempts to control the conversation. I knew Sal. I understood him. I’d never been under any false pretenses that he was a good guy. He was a hookup. It was always supposed to be no strings attached, except now we had a very real string that would bind us for the rest of our lives.
He pushed to stand, and I tilted my head back as he moved closer until he stood in front of me. Sal was tall and built like a runner with lean muscles. His Italian ancestry showed in his dark eyes and equally dark hair, but it was his easy grin that had gotten to me all those years ago when we met in a bar outside of town, and it was the same damn grin that had pulled me back in time after time.
He reached out and brushed a strand of my long hair behind my ear. “I missed my girl.”