Page 74 of Risky Proposal
She sniffed before barking out a laugh. “Somehow, that doesn’t surprise me either.”
Chapter 25
After pulling into the parking garage next to Elite Securities, I took a deep breath and looked around. There wasn’t any movement, but I was still concerned I was being watched. Sal had to be watching me to know everything he talked about, but I never saw him. Pushing open the door, I closed it and opened the back door to get Wyatt. Unlocking his car seat, I pulled it out and sighed that he was sleeping through this. He was becoming a better sleeper, seemingly unaffected by the little noises or jolts that used to wake him.
I walked through the doors to the building, climbed the stairs, then faced a glass door leading inside. This was it, now or never. A big part of me wanted it to be never, but then I saw the receptionist, Leah, sitting behind the desk, so I pulled open the door and made my way across the room.
She lifted her head and smiled. “Hi, Becs.”
I’d run into Leah a few times in the coffee shop we all loved, Joe’s, so we knew each other, but not well. “Hey, Leah.”
“What can I do for you?”
“I was hoping Jax or Brody were here, and I could talk to them.”
She smiled. “Actually, the whole team is here. They’re having a meeting.”
“Oh.” I frowned. “Guess I picked the wrong time.”
She held up her finger and grabbed the phone. “Hang on.”
I waited and listened to her one-sided conversation. “Becs is here to see you.” She smiled and nodded. “I’ll send her in.”
“Umm…I only really needed to see Jax or Brody.”
She smiled knowingly. “I have a feeling if you’re here for them, you may need the whole team.”
“Good point,” I acknowledged.
She peeked over her desk and smiled at Wyatt, who was still asleep. “How’s he doing?”
“Really good,” I answered. “He would normally be awake, but the car ride lulled him back to sleep.”
She laughed softly before settling in her seat. “You better go back. Jax is not the most patient man.”
I returned her laugh. “I deal with a lot of men like him. Don’t worry about me.”
Still smiling, she pointed down the hallway. “Door’s on the right.”
I made my way down the hallway, still unsure whether this was the best idea or if they’d keep it to themselves, but I was here now, so I guessed I’d made a choice I’d have to live with.
Pushing open the door, I smiled when all heads turned to face me. “Hey.”
Jax stood and gestured toward the chair to the right of him. “Hey, Becs. Have a seat.”
I moved around the table and lifted the carrier onto the table before I sat down. Brody glanced inside and then smiled at me. “He’s doing good?”
Sometimes I forgot I lived in a small town, but today had been a good reminder. There wasn’t a person who didn’t know that Wyatt was premature and struggled for a bit. “Much better.”
“You’ll be watching him play football before you know it.”
He just sat down when Kyle, the IT specialist for the team, spoke up. “Brody’s jealous because he can’t make a boy. He’s got like three or four girls now and spends his weekends in dance class.”
Chuckles filled the room, mine included, until I heard Jax’s voice. Turning, I faced him while he spoke. “What brings you by?”