Page 82 of Risky Proposal
“These the cars you used to grab?”
“No. These are too high-end. Only did this because it would pay the debt faster, and force me to steal only two, maybe three if I had to. That guaranteed I wouldn’t be around long enough to bring any attention to myself. Stealin’ these as a regular hustle would’ve landed me in prison a hell of a lot sooner.”
“Where’re you stayin’?”
“Moved around a lot between hotels and shit. Crashed on some couches. I didn’t want anyone to think I was back for good. Too many people know me in this town, know what I used to do. I didn’t keep a low profile then and that cost me.” I came to a stop sign and made a left. “After we do this, we’ll go to my uncle’s, get some sleep, then head out first thing in the morning.”
“We’re here.” Turning onto the street I knew so well, I quickly steered into the alley and pulled up to a garage bay with a door slowly opening. Without missing a beat, I drove into the bay and exhaled. Pushing open our doors, both Tank and I stepped out.
I heard a whistle and turned to the front of the garage only to see the man I was currently working for walking toward me. “Haven’t lost your touch.” He crossed his arms over his chest, but gestured toward Tank with his head. “New partner?”
“One-time thing,” I replied.
“So you keep saying.” He moved past me and ran his hand along the lines of the Maserati. “Miss having you on the streets, kid. You sure I can’t convince you to come back?” He turned back to face me. “I’d be willing to raise your commission.” When I didn’t respond, he continued. “Name your price.”
“This clear my dad’s debt?”
“If I say no?”
“I wouldn’t suggest doing that.”
He smirked. “Damn, kid. Haven’t lost your edge, either. Thought you mighta got soft when you moved away.”
“Need to be clear. I’m here only to clear my dad’s name and debt. This settle that?”
He looked toward the Spyder I’d dropped at three o’clock this morning. My goal had been to steal both within twenty-four hours and then get the fuck out of town, which was looking like more of a possibility.
He walked to stand in front of me and held out his hand. “Between the Spyder and the Maserati, you can consider it settled.”
I shook his hand. “And he’s safe?”
“Safe from me,” he assured me, and I trusted his word. Lenny was a dirtbag, but he was true to his word. It was why I did so many jobs for him when I was working. He paid what he promised, which kept his minions loyal. Myself included.
I dropped my hand and motioned for Tank, but I stopped when Lenny spoke again. “You want back in, my door’s always open.”
“Appreciate that,” I replied before walking to the side door of the garage and pulling it open. Moving across the alley, I opened the door to my rental car, slid into the front seat, and waited for Tank to jog around the car and climb in the passenger’s seat before taking off down the alley.
“He’s clear, brother,” Tank said quietly. “Shouldn’t you be happier?”
“Be happy when I’m out of this fucking city,” I replied.
“Fair enough.” Tank nodded, but when I glanced at him, he was grinning.
“What the fuck are you so happy about?”
“Helped out my brother and rode in a Maserati. Not a bad fucking way to spend a night.”
For the first time since I drove into the city that brought back too many old memories, I laughed.
As I drove along the backroads toward my uncle’s house, thoughts of Becs filled my mind and my shoulders slowly began to relax. I had every intention of getting a few hours of sleep and then hitting the road.
And finally putting my past where it belonged.
Chapter 27