Page 98 of Risky Proposal
I looked between my brother and Race before finally landing on Bear. “Did you sleep in your office again?”
“Had some shit to do.” He crossed the room and began making himself a cup of coffee. “What did you say to Kat?”
“Me?” Becs pointed at herself. “What do you mean?”
“She called me yesterday.” Bear turned to face me while his coffee brewed. “Said she’s coming back to work for us because of something you said.”
I shrugged, not wanting to admit that I had gone to see Kat because I missed her but also because I knew the guys missed her. She was a big part of the club and someone they trusted because she didn’t ask a lot of questions. I understood why she left. She saw something she didn’t believe the Sinners were capable of, and honestly, I was just as surprised that my brother chose to handle Skinner the way he had. But now I understood his reaction. I’d trusted Sal not to use my brother’s club against me, but he was, and I felt so protective of the members that I’d do just about anything to keep them safe. That was exactly how Bear felt and how I explained it to Kat.
“I explained that you had to protect the club members.”
Bear didn’t look convinced. “That’s all it took?”
“She’s had some time to think about it. Said she may have overreacted. Not that she will ever condone violence, but she understands the pressure you guys have been under since the Widows have started attacking you.”
Bear studied me but eventually jerked up his chin. “Thanks for talking to her.”
I smiled. “Is Bull happy she’s back?”
Bear grinned, which was the first grin I’d seen in a while. “Why don’t you ask him that?”
Race snorted out a laugh just as my cell phone rang. Pulling it from my pocket, I saw it said, unknown caller, but I recognized the number. I’d deleted his name as a contact in case anyone else saw the call come in, but I knew immediately who it was. Holding it up, I smiled at Race when both he and Bear looked at me. “Gotta take this. It’s a client at the shop.”
Race jerked up his chin right before I hit accept and moved toward the stairs. “Hello?” I answered in my nicest voice as I climbed the stairs in case Race or Bear were listening.
“Hey, baby.”
Sal’s smooth voice came across the line just as I closed my bedroom door. “Why are you calling me?”
“Saw your boy toy is back.”
“What?” I asked, taken off guard.
He chuckled. “You know where he was, right? It wouldn’t take much for me to damage your little family, Becs. Just one phone call and your boyfriend would be locked up just like his old man was.”
I gritted my teeth. “What do you want?”
“Been working on a little project, sweetheart. As soon as I close this deal, I’ll need to have a meeting with your brother. That’s where you come in.”
I sat down on the edge of my bed. “There’s no way Bear will meet with you.”
“I’m pretty sure he’d do anything you asked him to do.”
“Maybe when it comes to our personal lives, but you said this has to do with the club. I’m not involved in club business,” I reminded him what he already knew.
“I think you’re more involved than you like people to know,” he warned. “I’ve been paying attention, and you have every damn one of those members wrapped around your little finger.”
“If you think that, you haven’t been paying close enough attention,” I pointed out. “They won’t do anything Bear doesn’t approve. It doesn’t matter who’s asking.”
“You’ll find a way to set it up, or I’ll make sure Wyatt’s pretend daddy spends the rest of his life in jail for what he did only a few nights ago in Philadelphia.”
I snorted out a laugh, hoping he’d would tell me how he knew where Race was if I played dumb. “Race wasn’t in Philadelphia.”
“I’ll call you by the end of the week, and you’ll make this meeting happen.” He lowered his voice to a growl. “Don’t force my hand, Becs.”
When I heard dead air, I dropped the phone to my lap, but then quickly picked it up and found Jax’s contact.
Me: He called again.