Page 11 of Wasted Time
Becs smiled and gestured toward the hallway. “You guys can talk in there.”
Jane glanced at me, and I sighed before turning toward the hallway. “Let’s go.”
Becs looped her arm through Rachel’s. “I’ll keep Rachel company while you guys talk.”
Jane glanced back at Rachel before moving across the room but then stopped abruptly in front of Race. “Hi, Race.”
Race jerked up his chin. “Jane.”
Her gaze landed on Wyatt sleeping on Race’s shoulder. “What’s your son’s name?”
Race smiled at Becs before facing Jane again. “Wyatt. He just turned one.”
“Congratulations.” She smiled at Race, then Becs. “To you both.”
Becs leaned her shoulder against Race and smiled. “Thanks, Jane.”
With one more look, she smiled and started toward the hallway. I fell into step beside her until we got to the office door, where I shoved it open and motioned for her to go in ahead of me.
Once inside, she didn’t waste any time. “I need your help.”
That piqued my curiosity. I expected to come here and have to refuse the money she was bound to offer, but she caught me off guard, so when I didn’t say anything, she continued. “I think I want to start a new life for myself. Away from my family. I want to see if I can do it on my own.”
“Okay.” I leaned my ass against the edge of Bear’s desk. “What’s stopping you?”
She twisted her hands together. “I don’t know how.”
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Don’t know how to do what?”
“Any of it,” she admitted.
“How can you be thirty years old and not know how to start your life?” A blush crept up her neck and covered her cheeks right as she dropped her eyes. I pushed off the desk and moved to stand in front of her. “Sorry. Shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, you should have.” She lifted her eyes to meet mine. “And you’re right, but it doesn’t change the fact that I don’t know where to start. I’ve never stepped outside the box and done something I wanted. I’ve always just done what my family has expected of me.”
“Why are you asking me?”
“Because all of my friends are in my parents' social circle and grew up just like me. Plus, I don’t want my family to know what I’m doing.”
“Why not?”
“They won’t understand.”
That made sense. I could only imagine what her mother would say if she knew Jane stood in the clubhouse right now. “Not sure how I can help.”
“I thought maybe you could help me get started.”
I studied her closely, wondering how much of this was real and how much was her wanting an adventure. “You got an education?”
“I have a bachelor’s degree in English.”
My eyebrows drew together. “What the hell can you do with that?”
“I’m not sure,” she admitted with a shrug.
“Then I suggest you go back to school and let them pay for it. That’s a good start.”
“No.” She shook her head in frustration. “I don’t want that. I want to do it on my own.”