Page 115 of Wasted Time
“Don’t have any family except the one I’ve created.” I paused. “And you. I want you close.”
She shook her head and yanked open her purse, sniffling while she did before finally facing me with tears in her eyes. “I don’t have any more tissues.” She threw the one in her hand back in her purse and laughed. “I should’ve brought the whole box.”
Laughing, I reached behind me and grabbed napkins sitting in a stack on the table before handing them to her. “When you’re done, we’ll figure out where you’re gonna live.”
We both laughed harder, and Jane flashed through my mind. She would love Erica. It was hard not to, but I had the feeling the woman sitting across from me was exactly what we both needed in our lives. She had a way of showing me the way, always had, and today wasn’t any different.
I just had no idea that was what she’d been doing for all those years.
“This place is beautiful, Jane.”The bride I was working with squealed and spun in a circle. “How did you even find this place?”
“It wasn’t easy.” I laughed. “I think this might be North Carolina’s best-kept secret.”
She rubbed her hands together. “Okay, tell me all about it.”
I spent the next hour giving them a tour of the small winery I’d found, almost by accident. They’d held a few weddings and receptions over the years, but they didn’t advertise, and they didn’t always say yes to a bride and groom. I was able to somehow convince them to at least meet with them. After the meeting, the owners pulled me aside and said they would be happy to host it, so I was given permission to give them a tour. I had no idea how typical venues booked weddings, but I felt like this was unusual. However, that was why this venue felt perfect to me. It fit this couple in a way anything ordinary wouldn’t.
We said goodbye at their car, and I headed toward my new SUV. I threw my purse on the passenger seat just as my phone rang. Quickly looking around, I locked the doors and pulled my phone from my purse, smiling when I saw who was calling.
“Hey, Bree.”
“Well? How’d it go?”
“The owners loved them, and they loved the venue. I told them to let me know as soon as possible if they want the winery to hold their date.”
“I bet they will. That place is crazy cool. It was such an amazing find,” she praised. “I think we just might make one hell of a team.”
“Me too.” I smiled. “I actually love doing this.”
“I’m so relieved, Jane, because I really need you. I didn’t realize how much I was juggling until I could start handing some off to you.” She paused, but only for a moment. “I feel like the trial run is up. Would you like to work for me full time?”
“Yes,” I replied immediately.
She laughed. “Good. Okay, we’ll talk more later, but right now, I have to explain to my cousin why my time is too valuable to have kept me waiting this long for him to show up.”
I laughed and said goodbye, but not before I heard her tell her cousin how she felt. I was still chuckling when I ended the call, but then it immediately rang again.
Sure it was Bree calling back because she forgot something, I answered without looking. “Did you forget something?”
I sucked in a breath and laid my head against the headrest. “Hi, Mom.”
She was quiet for a moment before she spoke again. “How are you?”
Without missing a step, she dove right in. “Your father and I think you’ve burdened Rachel long enough. We plan to come over tonight and help you pack so you can stay with us while you recover.”
“I’m happy at Rachel’s, Mom.”
“We’re concerned she could be in danger.”
“Are you concerned I’m in danger?”