Page 14 of Wasted Time
“It’s a big job.” He shifted his attention to Bull who had been relatively quiet until now. “It’s probably gonna be a year, maybe more until it’s completed. And they’re talking about bringing in other teams to help finish it. They don’t normally do jobs like this, so they don’t have the manpower.”
Bear’s eyebrows drew together. “Can they handle it?”
“They wouldn’t have signed on if they couldn’t. But they are lookin’ at different ways to increase laborers.”
Bear sat back in his chair. “If they’re willing to train, we’ve got a shitload of prospects needing work.”
“I thought they were working in the garage,” Ritz said.
Bear jerked up his chin in my direction. “Tank’s primary in the garage right now with me and Gunner fillin’ in when we can, but that’s just to get jobs done. He already has Dominic to help, but he’s still learning, and none of us have time to train right now. Might as well get the prospects trained doin’ something until shit calms down here some.”
“I’ll talk to them tomorrow.” Race agreed. “Doubt they’ll turn down the help. At this rate, they’re gonna have to hire anyway.”
Bear sighed. “Truth is we all took on more than we can handle, but it’s short-lived. Once the track’s up and running, Gunner and I will be back in the garage. Once the hotel’s built, the Dimarcos will go back to buildin’ and renovating houses.”
“But until then…” Ritz frowned.
“Until then, we’re gonna be slammed,” Pop surmised.
Bear faced Race again. “You gonna be on the crew buildin’ the hotel?”
“Yeah, me and Dozer,” Race replied. “Dozer just got promoted to foreman, so as far as I know, he and I will both be foremen of our crews when construction starts.”
“Dozer happy with the promotion?”
“Yeah, and he’s earned it. Kid’s a hell of a worker. He just got his CDL to operate heavy machinery after he completed all the training,” Race replied. “He’s better runnin’ the equipment than building, which is ironic.”
We all laughed, considering when Race got him the job at Dimarco Construction, he ran a bulldozer into the side of a house, which earned him the road name Dozer. He wasn’t even supposed to be driving the damn thing, but instead of firing him, the Dimarcos sent him for more training, and it paid off. Doing something like that for someone was why the Dimarco family held so much esteem in New Hope and why we valued the relationship we’d built with them.
I looked back and forth between Bear and Gunner. “Who’s running the track when it’s ready?”
Bear crossed his arms over his chest. “Asked Bull and Skinner if they’d wanna take that on, and they both agreed.”
We all looked toward Bull and then Skinner, but only Ritz spoke. “Think you two can play nice enough to agree on who’s boss?”
I snorted out a chuckle. “No fucking way.”
Skinner grinned, and I was surprised to see Bull was too, but only Skinner replied. “Gotta be Bull. I’m still working on the Chase farm until they find someone to replace me.”
“You full time?”
“No.” He sat back in his chair. “Only work about three days a week right now, which frees up some time to help Bull.”
I’d forgotten Skinner worked on the farm. It was a job he took over a year ago, and knowing him like we do, he wouldn’t leave there until they replaced him.
My eyes flicked to Race. “Figured you take on the track.”
“I thought about it,” Race acknowledged. “But I like what I’m doin’, and I’m good at it. Plus, I wanna race eventually. Can’t do that and be runnin’ the show.”
“Your old man and uncle helpin’ out?”
“They are,” Bear spoke, and I turned my head to see him again. “But I need our own in charge. Bull and Skinner will figure out where they fit best. Truth is, we’re gonna need a hell of a lot more employees than just the four of them, but I’m leaving that up to Bull and Skinner to handle.” He sat forward and put his elbows on the table. “We’re taking on a lot. All of it is good for us and for the club, but we need to stay on top of shit. You’re the best I’ve got, and I trust each of you to handle whatever comes up.”
Everyone nodded in agreement before Bear spoke again. “Movin’ on. Saturday night, we’re finally patching in Blaze as a full member.”
We already knew that, so I was curious as to why he was bringing it up.
“He’s earned it,” Bull said.