Page 18 of Wasted Time
Taking a step back, I ran into something hard and felt two hands wrap around my hips. Looking behind me, I met Tank’s gaze, a shiver wracking my body when his deep voice rumbled, “Thought you weren’t comin’, princess.”
“Princess?” I frowned, and disappointment flooded me. The word had such a negative connotation, even if it weren’t true. I could only imagine that he felt I was spoiled and entitled, which wasn’t what I thought he saw in me. Why did he invite me here if that was what he thought of me? “Is that what you think I am?”
He turned me to face him and leaned down. “Not an insult.”
“Feels like one.” I gestured toward the yard filled with women. “I bet you wouldn’t call anyone else here that.”
“You know what a princess is to me?” He dropped his head until his mouth hovered above mine. “Someone who’s sweet as hell and beautiful. That’s a hard combination to find. Think when you do, you should call it what it is.”
I swallowed hard and lifted my eyes to meet his, expecting to see something dishonest, but I only saw sincerity. That wasn’t anything I expected him to say, and when a warm feeling enveloped me, I smiled softly. “I guess I don’t mind it then.”
“Good to know.” He grinned. “Now, I’ll repeat, I thought you weren’t coming.”
“Why?” I asked quietly.
“Almost eleven.”
“Sorry. I tried to get here sooner, but…”
His eyebrows drew together. “But what?”
“I was on a date,” I admitted.
His eyes narrowed. “A date?”
“Yeah.” I frowned. “My mother set it up.”
He studied me for a moment. Uncomfortable, I lifted the cup and took a longer drink, only pulling it from my lips when he spoke. “How’d it go?”
“Well, he wants to marry me, I think.”
His eyebrows drew together. “He told you that?”
“He told me he wants to spend more time with me, but he’s looking for a marriage of convenience.”
“That what you want?”
I took another drink. He was the only person besides Rachel who ever asked me what I liked or wanted. It felt odd that someone cared about my opinion, especially regarding my future that had been planned since I was young. I would marry well and enjoy all the benefits of wealth—except I didn’t care about the benefits and learned to resent how money factored into every decision made for me.
I smiled softly when it occurred to me that Tank had never once looked at me as if all I had to offer was money and status. Lifting my hand, I laid it against his chest. “You know, you’re the only one who does that.”
“Does what?”
“Asks me what I want.”
His eyes locked on mine, and I envisioned pushing my body against his for a moment, wondering how he would react, but I wasn’t that brave.
No matter how much I wanted to be.
Not twenty minutes ago,I was pissed off that she hadn’t come. Knowing I looked like a fucking idiot for even inviting her, or at least that was what I was telling myself, and I was pissed off that I was angry about it. I hate that I felt excited when she walked outside and followed Becs to the bar. It was illogical. I only had two conversations with this girl, but both times I wanted to hold her here where no one could damage her more than they already had. Where I could keep her safe and maybe wipe away the sadness that simmered in her eyes.
And here she was, standing too fucking close with her hand on my chest, and I couldn’t find any reason to back away. Instead, I shifted closer, slid my hand along her hip, and lowered my voice. “You want him?”
Her voice was breathy while she returned my gaze. “No.”